The “Energy” package arrives: excise duties down by 25 cents and bills in installments

The Energy package arrives excise duties down by 25 cents

(Finance) – Un cut of excise duties on fuels and LPG that comes to 25 cents for a monthwell beyond the 15 cents we were talking about these days, an extension of the social bonus to a larger number of families and the possibility of pay in installments of electricity and gas up to 24 months. But also measures in favor of energy-intensive companies. This is the proposal put on the plate by the government, which goes beyond the initial coverage.

“We have taken important steps to give responses to the country for the war in Ukraine: we help citizens and businesses to sustain energy increases with attention to the needy and companies exposed”, announced the Premier Mario Draghi at a press conference, announcing “we tax a part of the extraordinary profits that producers are making” and “we distribute this money to businesses and families who are in great difficulty” explained Draghi.

Package is worth 4.4 billion

The package of measures adopted yesterday by the Council of Ministers worth 4.4 billion euros which – as explained by the Premier – are added to the 16 billion already spent in the last 6 months.

Green light for a cut in excise duties on fuels by 25 cents per liter for a month, with resources obtained through the 10% extra profit tax of energy companies.

Also for families there is the payment of bills in installments for May and June up to 24 months and an extension of the social bonus level (1.2 million more families up to 5.2 million) obtained through an increase in the ISEE ceiling from 8 thousand to 12 thousand euros. And for 2022 they will be tax-free up to 200 euros of petrol vouchers sold free of charge by private companies to employees.

There is also a tax credit for companies energy-consuming and, to support the installment plans of suppliers and their liquidity needs, the possibility is foreseen for Sace to grant guarantees up to 10% to banks and financial institutions for loans granted.

The sanctions

The Price surveillance guarantor, a mission unit at the Mise that can take care of carrying out preliminary activities, analysis, evaluation and data processing, in order to ensure transparency on the formation of prices. If the distributors do not respond within 10 days, it will be possible to impose penalties from 500 to 5 thousand euros.
