According to Akkerboom, the municipality can do something about this. “Using less energy helps the most. That is why municipalities can, for example, use coaches to inform people about how to save energy. The municipality can also offer a discount on the energy bill, with direct surcharges or discount passes such as in Utrecht.” And what should The Hague do? “The most obvious thing to do is to reserve money for the households that really need it. I think this is no longer just about low incomes, but also about people who are just above this. Last year people received a few hundred euros extra. Now that the energy bill is rising, you have to think about much more, such as direct surcharges or tax reduction.” Akkerboom believes that the cabinet should act quickly after the summer recess. “I am counting on the government to come up with reassuring measures at the end of August.”
The energy bill continues to rise: ‘I am counting on the government to come up with reassuring measures soon’