The enduring success of Superpesis is now looking for victories in a new way – the team is full of young responsibilities | Sport

The enduring success of Superpesis is now looking for victories

Jyväskylä Kirittäret is the most successful team in women’s Superpesis. No fewer than 12 championships have been won in the 21st century. Now Jyväskylä is facing something new.

Anssi Mertaranta,

General Sports

will show the women’s Superpesis match between Kirittäret and JoMa on Sunday at 16:45 on TV2, Areena and the app.

Jyväskylä’s Kirittäret has been the dynasty team of the women’s Superpesis of the 21st century. The Finnish championship was still celebrated in the fall of 2022, but last season ended in big disappointment already in the quarterfinals.

Now the enduring success has started a new season full of new drive.

– It has been shown in good enthusiasm and will in training, Tinja Töyrylä amount.

The fourth place in the winter super gave faith and self-confidence in the team’s performance. Over the years, Jyväskylä has seen many of this country’s top players: Emma Körkkö, Ella Korpela and Eeva-Mäki Maukola… The list could go on forever.

Some of the star players have moved on and some have quit. Now a new building is being built in Jyväskylä, and players from our own junior track have been brought into the team even stronger. It is also planned to invest even more strongly in the future.

– The team has changed quite a lot. More people are required to take more responsibility. It gives me more need to try even harder, Töyrylä sums up.

In Jyväskylä, we are facing something new. The current team has several players who played in Kirittäri from the girls’ Superpes a few years ago. In addition, players who have played longer in the team are in a situation where they are offered an even bigger role in the team.

– In history, we have shown that we know how to develop players and take them to the next level. It has certainly been an attractive factor that the players want to challenge their own potential, says the third-season game director Matias Kitola.

According to Kitola, the team now has a lot of players who want to take the next step in their career – depending on the player, either to the super-nest level or to the superstar level.

In the 2000s, Kirittäret has won 12 championships, and overall the team has been left out of the medal games only three times.

There is something extraordinary in Jyväskylä. Things are done right. So be it Jussi “Nalle” Viljanen was a big factor in success as a game director for years, but there must be something else behind it.

Of course, the situation for this season is different in many respects, and the team is being built as if from scratch.

– People are perhaps the first thing that nurtures it. There are experienced players in the team here. Maybe not in age, but very experienced in terms of success. Say Venla Karttunen and the second game leader Katja Saari, who has been successful here both as a player and as a game manager. Through that, the information is transferred to the following players and game managers, Kitola reflects.

– It tells about the culture of this club and the fact that the coaching here has always been at the top level in Finland. It has been possible to extract all the potential from the players and to develop the players one step further, reflects Lukkari Mari Mantsinen.

will show the women’s Superpesis match between Kirittäret and JoMa on Sunday from 16:45 on TV2, Areena and the app.
