The ending is still confusing 14 years later

The ending is still confusing 14 years later

A good storyteller does not let you see his cards so easily. This principle is certainly represented by Christopher Nolan, who has made it a habit to to mess with his audience’s brainsUsing this method, he has created several modern sci-fi classics, one of which continues to provoke controversy more than a decade later.

While some fans are still trying to get their heads around the concept of time travel in Tenet, the record holder for discussion is still Inception. Nolan’s star-studded excursion into the depths of human dreams was released in 2010. But even in the future of 2024 the film still poses a mystery. If you want to decode it yourself, you can do so starting today on Amazon Prime.

  • Stream the modern sci-fi classic Inception now on Amazon Prime*
  • In Inception, Leonardo DiCaprio and his crew go on a secret mission into the realm of dreams

    In Christopher Nolan’s vision, there is the possibility of using certain devices Access to people’s dreams Just like burglars break into a poorly secured window, professionals can break in and even manipulate the subconscious or steal important information.

    This is precisely the activity that Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his team are pursuing. He has specialized in conducting industrial espionage using dream technology and extracting important data. But one day he receives an assignment that requires the exact opposite: Planting an idea in the deepest subconscious of his target subject Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy).

    Warner Bros. Pictures

    Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception

    If Cobb manages to do this, he can finally leave his life of crime behind and return to his family. So he puts together a team of specialists to carry out this very special heist. But the assignment turns out to be more dangerous than expectedNot least because Cobb is hiding some important information from his team about the dream world they are about to enter.

    Inception on Amazon Prime still raises big question marks today

    One of the most exciting elements of the world of Inception is the blurring of reality and dream worldTrauma can manifest itself all too vividly in the subconscious. Desires and fears influence the dream and its inhabitants and visitors. And because the perspective focuses on Cobb, it is never entirely clear whether we are dealing with an unreliable narrator here.

    Warner Bros. Pictures


    Therefore, the end of Inception, especially its final seconds, very ambiguous Fans were already discussing this in 2010 and talking their heads off. But even a decade later, the topic still haunts long-standing film lovers.

    For Allie Gemmill from Collider, for example, this went so far that she presented a detailed overview of possible fan theories and her view on the controversial Inception finale in 2023. And you can also find a current explanation here with all important informationhints from Christopher Nolan and much more.

    Anyone who needs explanations after (re-)watching this sci-fi blockbuster may find answers here. You can watch the film now in streaming subscription at Amazon Prime.

    *The links to Amazon’s offer are so-called affiliate links. If you make a purchase via these links, we receive a commission.
