The end of the world may not be so distant. In any case, it is the prediction made by an immense scientist known to all.
The end of the world is the subject of many speculations. If it did not arrive in 2012, when eccentric speculation circulated, for many, it is not for tomorrow. However, one of the greatest scientists in history had proposed a date that is no longer so distant today. Who is it? From Isaac Newton, who died in 1727, who revolutionized physics, mathematics but also astronomy. He defined the law of universal gravity, but not only. The scientist was also turned towards theology, as evidenced by the Newton project from the University of Cambridge, which shares most of the genius writings.
“From our point of view, there is a contradiction between natural sciences and rationalism on the one hand, theology, mysticism and faith on the other. But, in his mind, as a product of his time , understand the laws of nature involved understanding how the world works, “said Milka Levy-Rubin, commissioner of the Human Sciences Collection of the National Library of Israel, at World. In this library, more than 7,500 pages of the hand of the mathematician reveal this passion for the scientist even more. He applied an almost scientific method to study sacred texts.

In these pages, Isaac Newton made a surprising prediction on the end of the world, of which he evaluated a date between the lines of the Bible, especially in the book of Daniel of the Old Testament. He interpreted that the corruption of the Church began in 800, from the coronation of Charlemagne. Then, by referring to the Saint Book, which according to his analysis provided for the end of the world 1260 years after this event, this brought it in 2060, in only 35 years today. However, he would have added in his writings: “It may end later, but I see no reason why it ends earlier”.
Stephen D. Snobelen, professor of history of science and technology at King’s College University in Halifax, also nuanced, stating that, according to Isaac Newton, 2060 would not necessarily mark the total destruction of the earth. “For Newton, 2060 AD would rather be a new start. It would be the end of an old age and the beginning of a new era (…) Newton was convinced that Christ would return on this date and would establish a world kingdom of peace, “wrote the specialist in a academic article.