The end date of Ramadan announced by the CFCM

The end date of Ramadan announced by the CFCM

There is no doubt: for the CFCM, the date of Eid El Fitr is now known. A night of doubt will still be organized this Saturday, March 29.

The end of Ramadan 2025 is imminent. The precise date of the Aid-el Fitr, this day which celebrates the end of the month of fasting, is even very clear For the French Council for Muslim worshipwhich is based on astronomical data. “The conjunction of the new moon marking the beginning of the month of Chawwal 1446h will occur on Saturday March 29, 2025 at 11:58 am (Paris time). In accordance with the observation criteria adopted by the CFCM since 2013, the visibility of the lunar croissant will be possible this same evening in a large part of North America,” said the institution. According to the CFCM, the dates to be remembered for the end of Ramadan are as follows:

  • Date of the last day of Ramadan: Saturday March 25, 2025
  • Date of Eid El-Fitr: Sunday March 30, 2025

The Muslim Theological Council of France (CTMF), such as the CFCM, announced that the date of Eid al-Fitr would take place on Sunday March 30, 2025. Eid-el-Fitr, the “Fête de la Rupture du Foune”, is a major event in the Islam calendar. From now on, millions of Muslims are set on the end date of Ramadan in France: these are those who consider that astronomical calculations allow us to know precisely when the next lunar month begins.

For the proponents of the tradition, it is however very important to note the appearance of the new moon In the sky, proving that we have changed months. For the great mosque of Paris, in particular, the end date of Ramadan must be confirmed by the observation of the moon in the sky during the “night of doubt”. An uncertainty therefore remains on the date of Eid El-Fitr for traditionalists, although the great mosque of Paris wanted to reconcile the tradition and astronomical calculations. In A calendar put onlinethe date of Eid was also noted for this Sunday. However, it is not excluded that the great mosque of Paris makes its calendar evolve at the last minute if the moon is not in the sky, as the scientific calculations ensure.

According to the agenda of the Great Mosque in Paris, the stages of the end of Ramadan are these:

  • On the night of March 26, 2025, the “Night of Destiny” takes place
  • Saturday March 29 is organized the night of doubt confirming the date of the end of Ramadan 2025
  • On Sunday, March 30, 2025, Muslims celebrate Eid El-Fitr if the moon was observed during the night of doubt. This means that Ramadan ends on Saturday March 29. Eid El-Fitr can be on Monday March 31 if the moon has not been observed.

The Muslim fasting runs from sunrise to sunset for a whole month, that of Ramadan. Religious bodies are thus modeled on the lunar cycles to determine the start date of the fast and that of Eid El-Fitr, which puts an end to Ramadan. To observe the moon and confirm the transition from one month to another, a “night of doubt” always takes place on the 29ᵉ day of the current month: if a crescent moon (which marks the start of a new cycle) is visible, then the new month begins in the aftermath of the observation, otherwise the month is extended one more day. In this case, if on the evening of the 29th day of the month of Ramadan, the moon is observed, then Eid-el-Fitr is celebrated the next day, if not the day after.

The observation of the moon, ancestral method of Islam to determine the beginning and end of Ramadan, will have long been, in France, opposed to astronomical calculations, an opposition giving rise to debates between different religious instances and even to confusion on the dates of the month of fasting in the past. But in recent years, a consensus has been formed between the proponents of the scientific method and the organizers of the night of doubt. Thanks to astronomical measures, the end date of Ramadan is generally communicated from the start of the fast month, allowing believers to prepare Eid El-Fitr in advance. The theological commission of the Great Mosque of Paris, which meets during the night of doubt, officially confirms this date, even mentioning the “scientific data” in its last announcements. However, a divergence is never to be excluded.

Also named “Eid el-Seghir”, “Petite party” in French, Eid El-Fitr means “Festival of Rupture”. Day of forgiveness and peace, it can last up to three days. The tradition wants at this opportunity, the practitioner pays the Zakat (alms intended for the most deprived), which represents the gift of four times the content of two hands together of food. Six days of additional fasting can be traditionally practiced after the “breakdown of rupture” that is Eid el-Fitr: “The six days of Chawwal”, by the name of the month following that of Ramadan in the “Hegian” calendar (name of the Muslim calendar).

But beware, the celebration of Eid El-Fitr is not “fair” a way to mark the end of the fast of the month of Ramadan. It also symbolizes, for Muslim communities around the world, a great moment of sharing, peace and joy. Concretely, the feast of Eid El-Fitr is thus an opportunity, usually, of gatherings at the mosque followed by large meals with family, gifts, visits to relatives …

During the festivities, Muslims also exchange the vow of “Eid Moubarak”, “Happy Aid Day” in French. Finally, Eid El-Fitr is also called “sweet celebration”. It therefore gives pride of place to desserts, once the morning prayer has been completed. Ftour, Zlabia, Gazelle horns or Chebakia, without forgetting the dates filled with almond paste … All these foodstuffs will be tasted for this celebration.

Eid El-Fitr is celebrated by Muslims around the world, each bringing their own traditions and customs. In Indonesia, the streets are animated by parades and fireworks. In Türkiye, families meet around traditional meals such as Baklava and Kebab. In Africa, festivities include traditional dances and songs.

What Muslims must not forget on Eid El-Fitr 2025 day

  • Make sure that the Zakat al-Fitr was paid before Eid prayer
  • Carry festive and clean outfits for prayer and celebrations
  • Go to the mosque or to the place of prayer to accomplish the prayer of Eid early in the morning
  • Exchange wishes with loved ones, friends and neighbors saying “Eid Moubarak”
  • Offer gifts to children and loved ones, symbolizing sharing and generosity
  • Visit family members and friends to share moments of joy
  • Share festive meals with the family and guests, including traditional dishes
  • Participate in recreational activities planned for the day, such as games and shows
  • Ask for forgiveness and reconcile with relatives and friends, strengthening social ties
  • Warmly welcome guests and visitors, offering drinks and snacks

Before Eid prayer, Muslims must have given The Zakât al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan’s alms. This can be affected by food or money for people in need. To validate the efforts made during Ramadan, each believing Muslim must thus pay the needy an alms, in a solidarity brand.

The “Zakat al-Fitr” allows those who are in need to celebrate like any Muslim the festival of Eid, without having to do the Channel that day. The CFCM set the amount of this alms at 9 euros per person. But its amount is 7 euros for the great mosque in Paris. The family official must pay him by paying it for each family member for whom he is responsible, children and babies included.
