the employment of people with disabilities, an effective lever in the face of the labor shortage

the employment of people with disabilities an effective lever in

What is the place of disability in the world of work? This question is at the heart of the 26th edition of the European Disability Employment Week which runs until 20 November. “Inclusion” is an effective lever to deal with the labor shortage. ” A person with a disability in a company, it’s normal and it’s possible “, assures the APAJH, the main association for the promotion of the rights of people with disabilities, everywhere in France.

The APAJH is also a manager of Adapted Companies. We are in one of them, in Alforville, an 8,000 square meter logistics warehouse positioned in the market for coffee machines and capsules.

Fleece zipped up to the top, safety shoes, Elian receives a box full of small coffee capsules. This employee is deaf. He explains what his job entails. Laurence Theaultfrom the Company department: “ I remove the boxes to put the pallet, and afterwards, when we have finished the pallet, we put on the film, and we load it into the truck. »

Like the other 70 employees, Elian has found his place in this adapted company. He considers himself a normal worker, but here he is more supported than elsewhere. ” with the leaders, he explains, sometimes we speak in writing, we speak in sign language, there are leaders who must learn to speak sign language. »

►Also listen: Raise awareness of disability situations with “Let’s play together”, “ It needs to be democratized »

Goals, but also listening

Elian feels useful and working is a balance in his life: “ If I don’t work here, I get bored, so I prefer to work to have a smile, all that. »

Sitting in front of a table, Bernard prepares orders. He suffers from a mental handicap. ” I need medication, I need follow-up, I see a psychiatrist, I’m here to avoid stresshe says. We are an employee like any other, we have objectives to meet, we have to do the job. »

The company has objectives in terms of quality and quantity, but the management takes into account each person’s disability when setting workloads.

More info on the European Disability Employment Week
