the employers’ union in the crosshairs of the investigators

the employers union in the crosshairs of the investigators

A new British organization accused of toxic culture. After the firefighters and the police, the Confederation of British Industries (CBI), the employers’ organization, is the subject of a judicial inquiry for suspicion of sexual assault and harassment. These accusations go beyond the boss, who was fired on Tuesday.

With our correspondent in London, Emily Wine

The police remain extremely laconic and only confirm the opening of an investigation, still at a preliminary stage, following press articles. According to British dailies, at least four executives of the Confederation of British Industries, the British employers’ union, are accused of harassment and sexual assault by at least twelve women.

Three are currently suspended, the last has just been fired from his position as head of the CBI. Tony Danker, although ” shocked “of his dismissal, admitted to having” made a number of colleagues uncomfortable, unintentionally “.

The CBI, which defends the interests of the bosses but also campaigns for exemplarity in business, is therefore suspected of having covered up a culture of sexism. And embarrasses his partners. The director of the Bank of England has just given up hosting the annual dinner of the CBI, because of these accusations. Even the British government has announced that it is suspending all communication with the CBI before the conclusion of the internal investigation into the organization.
