The electricity price can increase by SEK 3,000 – they are hit the hardest

The electricity price can increase by SEK 3000 they

It was recently reported that the electricity price in August was the lowest in 24 years. The average price then landed at 8.5 öre per kilowatt hour (kwh), according to the electricity exchange Nord Pool – which was the lowest average price since 2000.

When autumn is now approaching, however, the low electricity prices for most households are over.

READ MORE: Electricity price lowest since 2000

Then the electricity prices will be more expensive

On October 29, it will start when Sweden and other countries in the Nordic countries change electricity transmission within and between the countries. This means that electricity will become more expensive for the vast majority of Swedes.

The new electricity transmission takes place against the background of a new EU regulation with the aim of increasing the availability of electricity and equalizing prices around Europe.

READ MORE: Then the electricity price is raised – they will be worst affected

Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT They are hit hardest when electricity prices rise

The price comparison service Elskling has calculated what this will mean for you who live in Sweden, and it turns out that prices are going to rise significantly.

– After two tough years with high inflation and high interest rates, this is of course a hard blow for many households. For some, it can be thousands of kroner extra per year, he says Åsa Hauerelectrical expert at Elskling i ett press release.

The vast majority of the country’s electricity consumers live in electricity area three, which includes both Stockholm and Gothenburg. For an ordinary villa, the electricity price there is expected to rise by around SEK 2,300, and for a large villa, the price will rise by SEK 2,900, according to Elskling’s calculations.

Even in electricity area two, prices are expected to rise, albeit marginally by an estimated one percent.

And for those who live in electricity area four, i.e. Skåne, Blekinge and Småland, it is estimated that the prices will instead decrease, which for some could result in a substantial reduction.

However, those who live in electricity area one can expect an unchanged electricity price compared to before.

If you are worried about getting a juicy invoice when the electricity is due, you should act as soon as possible to avoid a shocking price increase.

– If you want to protect yourself against price increases and avoid stress, it may be time to fix your electricity price. Prices have come down, making fixed contracts relatively cheap now. But you should act fairly soon. The closer we get to the introduction, the more the electricity companies can be expected to adjust their prices on fixed contracts, explains Hauer.

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Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TTS So your electricity bill can be affected

Electrical area 1

Large villa (25,000 kwh) unchanged electricity price

Standard villa (20,000 kwh) unchanged electricity price

Large apartment (5,000 kwh) unchanged electricity price

Small apartment (2,000 kwh) unchanged electricity price

Electrical area 2

Large villa (25,000 kwh) + SEK 144

Standard villa (20,000 kwh) + SEK 115

Large apartment (5,000 kwh) + SEK 28

Small apartment (2,000 kwh) + 1 kroner


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Electrical area 3

Large villa (25,000 kwh) + SEK 2,913

Standard villa (20,000 kwh) + SEK 2,330

Large apartment (5,000 kwh) + SEK 583

Small apartment (2,000 kwh) + SEK 233

Electrical area 4

Large villa (25,000 kwh) – SEK 2,005

Standard villa (20,000 kwh) – SEK 1,604

Large apartment (5,000 kwh) – SEK 401

Small apartment (2,000 kwh) – SEK 160
