the electoral campaign struggles to arouse the interest of a weary population

the electoral campaign struggles to arouse the interest of a

While the campaign for the presidential and gubernatorial elections in the Comoros has been underway for two weeks, an observation is emerging: despite the efforts made by the parties and candidates, the general public seems largely disinterested in the election scheduled for January 14. Neither the frequent meetings nor the interventions manage to captivate the population, who seem more concerned by the current social crisis or by galloping inflation.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Moroni, Abdallah Mzembaba

We have since observed the start of the campaign public apathy in the face of speeches. The Comorians are showing a certain weariness, and a feeling is increasingly emerging according to which the outcome of the vote seems to be a foregone conclusion, explains Professor Chabane Mohamed, philosophy teacher:

This is the most gloomy electoral campaign we have ever known and that is normal. It was predictable, I want to say. The reason is obvious, people have understood that the democratic game is trampled, the presidential movement claims that mass has already been said. This may be true, but do we wonder why? Well because the power in place has engineered everything so that the Comorians do not have the right to transparent elections. »

Other young people do not share this observation, continuing to travel to the different localities of the country for their candidates: “ Each candidate is free to hold their meeting, give their speech, present their programnuance Asmati Mohamed Athoumani, finance by training. And we also see the activists, who are free, everyone is free to make their choice, to support their candidate. And there are those who are disinterested and I don’t know why. The elections are democratic, everyone will be able to choose their candidate based on the programs presented in the meetings.. »

Presidential movement as opposition, the six presidential candidates and the 26 in the gubernatorial elections have until January 12 at midnight to convince as many people as possible, the date on which the campaign must officially close before the vote on January 14.

Read alsoComoros: female candidates for elections remain too few
