the electoral calendar is variously appreciated by the political class

the electoral calendar is variously appreciated by the political class

In the DRC, the CENI published the calendar for the 2023 elections last weekend. The main dates to remember: the presidential election is scheduled for December 20, 2023. February by that of the senators, while the urban councilors and the mayors must be known and installed on March 30, 2024. The political class reacted differently to the publication of this calendar.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Kamanda wa Kamanda Muzembe

For the UDPS-Tshisekedi, the publication of this electoral calendar is a reassuring signal. For the president of the electoral commission of this party, Jacquemin Shabani, ” it’s true that, ahead of us, there are still difficulties, but I believe that this calendar is reassuring. The government of the Republic also continues to reassure and that it will take its responsibilities. We hope that security issues will be resolved before these major operations. »

Unachievable schedule

New momentum, the political party of former Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito, speaks of an unrealizable timetable and accuses the CENI of planning a fraud. For Nouvel élan spokesperson, Albert Mukulubundu, “ Ceni officecomposed of delegates from the Sacred Union and the FCC, is in the process of planning a vast cheating by distributing delegates among electoral constituencies in all the provinces of the DRC, with the complicity of the central government, with a view to organizing enrollment operations. »

Five million internally displaced

The identification and registration of voters, which will last three months according to the electoral commission, should begin from the end of December 2022, when the country has nearly five million internally displaced people.

Read also : DRC: presidential election set for December 20, 2023
