The election campaign is sprinting – you should keep an eye on this

The election campaign is sprinting you should keep an



full screen Just over a week remains for those who want to vote in the EU elections, but have not yet done so. Archive image. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

Can 21 Swedes make a difference in Brussels? What are the hot questions of the election?

Here are the questions you need to know before you go to the polls.

Why are there EU elections?

To appoint 720 members of the European Parliament for 2024-2029. Sweden appoints 21. Parliament is the only EU institution that is popularly elected.

So the EU Parliament is like a European Parliament?

Not really. It has no opportunity to present its own legislative proposals. Only the European Commission gets it. Parliament does not appoint a government, but approves the president of the European Commission.

So why should I care about the EU Parliament?

It participates in and decides, together with the EU’s Council of Ministers, on most issues the EU decides on. Parliament can push forward changes in the EU Commission’s proposal.

What has the EU Parliament been involved in deciding on recently?

For example, the EU countries’ common asylum policy and a series of laws governing climate policy. But also to ban the sale of new petrol cars from 2035.

So what will the EU Parliament decide on in the future?

The EU’s long-term budget 2028-2034 and a new agricultural policy. It has not been decided which other legislative proposals the future EU Commission intends to put forward.

Unfinished business from this year includes handling end-of-life vehicles, forest monitoring laws and a European defense industry programme.

Parliament can press forward with promises of proposals that touch on their heart issues when the new commission is to be approved this autumn.

What can the EU Parliament not decide on?

For example, if Sweden is to introduce the euro or leave the EU. Parliament’s influence in matters such as foreign policy, defense and taxes is small or non-existent.

So what are the hot election issues?

Voters throughout the EU rank support for poor households in the EU, public health, the creation of new jobs and defense/security the highest, according to the EU Parliament’s survey from this spring.

The Swedes rank the climate, the fight against terrorism/crime, guarding democracy, defense/security and the fight against poverty the highest.

Can 21 Swedes make a difference in the EU Parliament?

They only have 21 out of 720 votes and rarely vote for a united Swedish line. They often follow the positions of their European party groups. But a member who gets a heavy post in parliament can push forward changes in the EU Commission’s legislative proposal.

Who can I vote for?

The eight Riksdag parties are running, as well as over a hundred more or less serious small parties. You can also vote in person for the candidate you think is the best.

When are the EU elections held?

From 6-9 June, depending on the EU country. In Sweden, election day is Sunday, June 9, but early voting is possible. No election results may be published until after 11 p.m. on June 9.
