The EIGS, the Sahelian branch of the Islamic State group, is strengthening in northeastern Mali

The EIGS the Sahelian branch of the Islamic State group

Since early March, the Sahelian branch of the Islamic State group has been carrying out attacks in the Ménaka region, where several hundred civilians have been killed and several thousand have been forced to flee.

In Mali, EIGS is strengthening its positions in the northeast. Several attacks have caused the death of hundreds of civilians since the beginning of last month. And the number of displaced people reaches several thousand. They flee in particular towards Gao or Kidal but also on the other side of the Nigerien border. They were accommodated in vast camps for the displaced.

In this region, the EIGS confronts the rival jihadists of the Jnim, linked to al-Qaeda, but also Malian armed groups that signed the 2015 peace agreement, namely the MSA and the Gatia, which are trying to protect the populations.

This breakthrough by the Sahelian branch of the Islamic State should be put in context with the withdrawal of the French army from Mali and the end of Operation Barkhane. “ It should also be remembered that the Jnim [Groupe de soutien à l’islam et aux musulmans] has also increased attacks recently. So the attack of the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara [EIGS] will happen in this perspective, that is to say that everyone is now trying to strengthen their positions explains Djallil Lounnas is an associate professor of international relations at al-Akhawayn University in Morocco. He is the author of the book Jihad in North Africa and the Sahel: from AQIM to Daesh.

The Islamic State wants to play a role in Mali »

In recent days, the EIGS has led new offensives in the localities of Emis-Emis and Inekar for example. Here again, local sources report dozens of civilians killed. ” The Islamic State wants to play a role in Mali and strengthens its positions in the Ménaka areas », Details the specialist who recalls that the group has a rear base in Niger.

Can the jihadist group establish itself permanently in Ménaka? After the death of Walid al-Sahrawi and the multiple operations of Barkhane against the EI which had led to the death of several dozen of its fighters, especially from its leader, the French army announced that the Islamic State was considerably weakened. ” In reality, the EIGS has grown stronger and it sends a message to everyone: not only are we here, but we are strong », Estimates for his part Mr. Lounnas.

And if the EIGS finds against it the rival jihadists of the Jnim, the armed groups signatories of the peace agreement, the Malian army is silent. ” You notice the silence of Bamako. Everybody talks about it. On the other hand, there was no reaction from Bamako. It’s been going on for a long time. It’s part of Mali, so normally they should be there “, concludes the expert.
