The effect on sex life is incredible! You will start to eat spoonfuls

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For a good orgasm, you need to have a very good health as well as your sex life. If you care about your own pleasure, you can try methods that can improve your sex life.

According to a recent research result; It turned out that in the last two years, more sexual intercourse was made than in 2020 and before. It is thought that the effect of the coronavirus pandemic is also responsible for the increase in the rate of sexual intercourse. What you need to do for a better orgasm…


If you struggle to stay in the moment during sex, you will never achieve a happy ending. The best tip for staying “in the now” is to try to recreate a fantasy. This naturally keeps you from falling into old thought patterns and keeps you in the present.



Unfortunately, we are at the mercy of our hormones in terms of how much orgasm we have. You may not notice it in your twenties, but it will become obvious when you reach your forties and fifties. If you want to activate your hormones about sexuality, you can try drinking maca tea.


If it takes longer than your partner to climax, don’t bother. Studies show that men can have an orgasm 2-3 minutes after sexual intercourse, while women can have an orgasm 10 minutes after the natural way. So, how to close this gap? Reply; foreplay! Kiss, hug, and make sure you’re warned before you even think about taking off your underwear.


Pelvic floor exercises in particular… Men have a pelvic floor too, and keeping it toned gives you more control over your orgasm, helping you to last longer and reach an even stronger climax.



What you eat before sex can affect how strongly you orgasm. Spinach naturally opens the body’s blood vessels, resulting in a powerful orgasm. Vegetables high in folate also improve your sexual health.


Try increasing your intake of whole grains and oats as well. These have been proven to increase your testosterone levels and therefore increase your arousal.
