“The effect of the SCT regulation on automobiles was limited”

The effect of the SCT regulation on automobiles was limited

Motor Vehicle Dealers Federation (MASFED) Chairman Aydın Erkoç talked about the latest situations in the automobile market and SCT talked about.

Featured in HaberTürk Stating that the second-hand vehicle market, which has grown for 9 months since September 2021, has continued to shrink for the last 6 months, Aydın Erkoç, Chairman of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Federation (MASFED), said that they predicted that the new car market will be around 600 thousand units and the second-hand car market will be around 6.2 million units this year. Consumers in recent months Stating that the expectation of SCT reduction brought the industry to a standstill, Malkoç, “With the SCT tax regulation made by the Ministry of Finance, the citizens who were waiting went to the dealers to meet their vehicle needs, but it is difficult to talk about the great revival in the market, we can talk about the reflection of this regulation by 10-15 percent. Because there are no vehicles in the dealerships at the moment. That’s why our citizens continue to turn to the second hand.” said.

In addition to the decrease in purchasing power of Erkoç, that the difficulties in access to finance also affect the market negatively. stating, “Citizens want to buy vehicles and meet their needs, but they have problems getting loans from banks. While the supply of new vehicles is getting harder day by day, more permanent solutions are needed to revive the sector. Lowering bank interest rates and increasing the number of terms will have a positive impact on the markets. gave his opinion.


One of the most important problems of the industry Underlining the exorbitant increases in automobile insurance prices, Erkoc, “In addition to the increase in vehicle value, the increase in spare part prices and the damage costs of insurance companies caused the automobile insurance prices to increase significantly. In the last year, there has been an increase of more than 300 percent in automobile insurance prices. When compared to previous years, 70 percent of users do not have automobile insurance. The number of non-insured and uninsured vehicles has increased in traffic” noted for its description.

Noting that there are exorbitant price increases in automobile appraisal prices, Erkoc, “We receive complaints from both industry representatives and citizens that companies are charging exorbitant prices. In the second-hand regulation, there is an article about determining the ceiling point of the appraisal prices. The Ministry needs to control this situation and determine the ceiling price. Just as the bread prices are determined by the institutions, the expertise ceiling prices should be determined according to their standards. said.
