The Ecopill and the battle for the Quirinale: Better Draghi at the helm of the Government

The Ecopill and the battle for the Quirinale Better Draghi

(Finance) – The race to the Quirinale is the theme of the last one Ecopill by Andrea Ferretti, Professor of Master in Economics and Banking Sciences Luiss Guido Carli, who confirms the need for Draghi to remain at the helm of the government.

“Up to now we have been saved thanks to the big one fear of politics who, realizing that he is not able to handle directly i 220 billion of European funds, has decided to abdicate in favor of a super technician “, Ferretti affirms, adding” the old DC would have cut off an arm rather than leaving a technician to manage 220 billion, but this is another matter “, comments Ferretti.

The abdication of politics – explains the economist – he created a situation of equilibrium which was a bit handy for everyone. Surely it was convenient for politics because it avoided the risk that it would prove unable to ground the Recovery Plan. In addition, politics has put itself in a rather comfortable situation because, if the situation were to end well, the parties would still be able to take part of the credit, but if things were to get bad, the fault would inexorably be Mario Draghi. Finally, with Draghi intent on grounding the Recovery Plan, i parties have been able to devote themselves to more electorally paying issues: illegal immigrants, city safety, refreshments for all and so on “.

“This situation of equilibrium – Ferretti notes – has also been convenient for the Italians, because up to now the Recovery plan has been properly grounded and the 51 targets for 2021 have been met “.

“The risk is that this battle for the Quirinale may somehow break this balance and, should Draghi rise to the Colle, that the parties, given also the first successes in grounding the Recovery Plan, would recover the courage to manage on their own the largest investment program from the post-war period to today. In other words – the Professor explains – the big risk is that politics decides to take back those vital spaces that until now have been left to the enemy, that is to the technicians, for fear “.

“In this situation I would not even know if it would be worse if a technician, hostage of a quarrelsome majority and all attentive to the next electoral deadlines, or a politician, direct emanation of a government of party leaders, would land at Palazzo Chigi”, admits Ferretti, reiterating “on balance it is much better for everyone that Mario Draghi stays in Palazzo Chigi“.
