the ecological programs of eight candidates scrutinized

Three weeks before the first round of the next presidential election, the Climate Action Network has tried to decipher the programs of the eight main candidates concerning the fight against climate change.

To achieve this ranking, the Climate Action Network, which brings together some thirty pro-environment NGOs, analyzed seven major areas: industry, transport, agriculture, housing, energy, international and finances. They used a color point system to rank the candidates.

On your mind of the rank, we find Yannick Jadot, the candidate of the Greens, tied with Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Much further to the left on the political scale, the candidate of La France insoumise has such a muscular program ecologically than that of its counterpart in Europe ecology-The Greens, according to NGOs.

The report mentions programs “ ambitious », « precise ” and ” full », for one as for the other. Only element to improve according to them: the international.

Anne Hidalgo and Fabien Roussel lack clarity, say the NGOs. The report even mentions risky proposals for the candidate of the French Communist Party about the energy transition. Regarding the candidate of the Socialist Party, they evoke proposals that ” lack of elements » or « details “.

► To read also: French presidential election 2022: an electoral campaign without real debate on the climate emergency

Then come the bad students, those who have not convinced on any of the seven axes. ” No short and medium term solution for renewable energies, fragmented proposals for transport “, can we read about the program of Emmanuel Macron. Same charge against Valérie Pécresse, for whom the NGO judges the ideas ” very weak or not up to par “.

Marine Le Pen is also rated severely. According to the report, it does not understand the issue of ecological transition. Finally, for Éric Zemmour, the NGOs indicate above all ” a lack of offers on most ecological issues.

The programs of the candidates Philippe Poutou, Jean Lassalle, Nathalie Arthaud or even Nicolas Dupont-Aignan have not been addressed in this report.

