The Ecocrime Authority: “We have placed children in the hands of criminals”

In the wake of the refugee crisis in 2015, a series of new companies were started to take care of unaccompanied children. According to Sara Persson, crime prevention specialist at the Ecocrime Authority, the situation was exploited by unscrupulous actors and criminals.

– There was a lot of money. It was a seller’s market and you could charge a lot for these investments. The controls were deficient and children were placed all over the country, it was difficult to follow up the efforts, she says.

Sara Persson believes that the municipalities have a great responsibility.

– The municipalities have a huge responsibility, they have committed to placing these children. They need to make more careful checks before placements but also during the contract period. Common funds should not go to criminals who buy luxury cars, helicopters or houses with the money.

Young people coming together alone

Västerås is one of the municipalities that the companies Andra chansen and Svea placement help have invoiced. In Västerå’s case, it concerned placements of unaccompanied young people in 2017 and 2018.

– It’s completely reprehensible in every way, it must not happen like that and it should not happen like that. We will look at our routines and see if we can plug these holes. But increased cooperation between authorities is required. We will do everything to prevent them from happening again, says Peter Boudin, director of Västerås city’s individual and family administration.

This was despite the Tax Agency conducting an audit of the companies, were you not aware of that?

– There is a review, of course, but an ownership relationship can change, but this is a hole that must be plugged, of course, and public funds should not go to that.

Hear more in the clip above.
