Have you noticed a strange white foam on the soil of your indoor plants? Do not panic, there is a simple and effective solution to eliminate this inconvenience in just a few minutes
It is the lot of amateur gardeners or those wishing to dress their interior with pretty green plants: a small, unattractive white foam that invades the flower pot. It settles on the surface and gradually wins the soil of your plants. You may have already encountered this problem. It is then necessary to have the attentive eye to locate these white traces before they gain more ground.
This famous white foam is the result of mold, a fungus that feeds on the decomposition organic matter present in the ground. It is therefore better to deal with the problem quickly. Its appearance is often linked to excess humidity, lack of light or poor ventilation. If it is not treated quickly, this mold can weaken your plants and make them more vulnerable to diseases. It can also represent a small danger for people with asthma or breathing difficulties.
Fortunately, there is a simple and easy method to get rid of it once and for all! The first is to remove by hand or with a small shovel the foam on the surface. But to effectively eliminate this mold, nothing could be simpler than using baking soda. It is a natural ingredient that you probably already have in your cupboards.

The recipe recommended by professional gardeners is simply to mix two teaspoons of bicarbonate with a liter of water in a vaporizer. Then, it is enough to generously spray this mixture on the soil. The high pH of bicarbonate will “kill” mold without harming your plant. You can repeat the operation as needed until the white foam has completely disappeared.
Another natural tip is to sprinkle a thin layer of cinnamon on the surface of the ground. This spice indeed contains a naturally antifungal chemical compound, Cinnamaldehyde, which will overcome mold while pleasantly flaking your interior. It is therefore a 100% natural solution without chemicals.
In the most severe cases, you can also opt for full repotting. You will then have to gently remove your plant from its pot, carefully clean the container (you can even add a little natural fungicide) then fill it with a new good quality soil. Then make sure to offer your plant the optimal conditions to avoid any recurrence: regular but reasonable watering, good ventilation and a light location, to be determined according to the peculiarities of your favorite green plant!