The driving license, soon easier to obtain?

The driving license soon easier to obtain

A bill is currently being debated in the National Assembly to allow young people easier access to driving licenses, by making it “cheaper, simpler and faster”.

This Monday, March 27, the National Assembly is examining a bill brought by the Renaissance group and whose objective is to facilitate the process of obtaining a driving license. Sacha Houlié, the author of the text and president of the Law Commission of the Assembly, indeed regrets that “the cost of acquiring a driving license (reaches) now 2000 euros or more“. He thus proposes to make the permit cheaper, simpler and faster.

What does the driving license bill contain?

  • The bill provides for the establishment of a single digital platform, called “1 young person, 1 licence”, which would bring together existing aid, that of the State as well as that of communities to help young people finance their driving license.
  • to open the financing of all types of permits through the personal training account (CPF). Until now, only B permits, heavy goods vehicles and buses could be financed in this way.
  • In order to reduce the delays in obtaining a driver’s licence, the bill proposes to increase the number of examiners by extending to the national level the authorization for public or contractual officials to administer the practical driving test.
  • Members of the Renaissance group would also like to discuss the possibility of pass the driving license from the age of 16.

At what age can one currently pass the driving license?

To pass the driver’s license, it is necessary to be 18 years old. Those who made the accompanied driving can take the test at the age of 17. A novelty that dates from 2019, the age limit was previously set at 17 and a half years old.

Early learning to drive (AAC) can be done from the age of 15. The teenager can then take the driving test for the B license one year earlier than the others, i.e. from 17 years old. The learning will then take place in two stages: a first phase of driving school learning which includes at least 20 hours of driving in varied environments. In addition to this practical training, the learner driver will also follow theoretical courses in order to obtain his Highway Code. At the end of this first stage, the student will receive a certificate of completion of initial training (AFFI). Thanks to this document, and only if he has obtained his Code, he can then move on to the second sentence, that of the accompanied driving proper.

After at least two hours of training with a guide, the learner driver will be given a guide. This phase of accompanied driving lasts at least 1 year and the student will have to drive at least 3000 km. However, he is not yet a driver quite like the others.

  • In particular, he is prohibited from driving abroad,
  • must affix a distinctive sign to the rear left of the vehicle indicating that he is driving accompanied,
  • must not exceed the speed of 110 km on the highway.

The student is assessed twice by the driving school during training and after the 3000 km. The trainer then decides if the candidate is ready to pass the practical driving test. An exam that he can pass from the age of 17, even if he will be obliged towait until you are 18 to ride alone. The duration of temporary license is reduced to two years instead of three in the event of early learning to drive.

To prepare for the driving licenseit is possible to take lessons at a driving school, or to train alone. For teenagers, training with an approved establishment and with a qualified trainer is however strongly recommended. The training takes place in two stages:

Theoretical training

it is for the student to learn the rules of the highway code and good behavior to have in terms of road safety. The student has a learning booklet that allows him to revise on his own, but he will also attend theoretical lessons and take regular tests to assess his level.

Practical training

While some driving schools prefer that the student obtain the code first before moving on to practical training, it is usually possible to do both at the same time. The practical part must include at least 20 hours of training (including 15 hours on roads open to traffic, or at least 10 hours if using a driving simulator). During these 20 hours, the student will learn to apply the highway code and adopt good behavior so as not to endanger his own safety or that of others.

Before taking the practical driving license test, the learner driver must first obtain his code. For this, he will have to answer 40 questions during 30 minutes and make 5 mistakes or less. As the Road Safety website specifies, the practical driving test “makes it possible to check whether the knowledge, skills and behavior of the candidate allow him to circulate in complete safety.”

  • The test as such lasts 32 minutes, including an effective driving phase lasting a minimum of 25 minutes.
  • The candidate will have to perform 2 different manoeuvres: braking to stop with precision and a maneuver in reverse.
  • check a technical element inside or outside the vehicle,
  • answer a question related to road safety and a question on the basics of first aid.
  • The examiner will ensure that the candidate knows and masters his vehicle, that he knows how to understand the road and share it with other users, but also that he is autonomous and aware of the risk.

To get your driver’s licensethe student must obtain at least 20 points and not make any eliminating error, for example cutting a continuous line or refusing priority.

How much does a driving license cost?

According to a survey conducted by the UFC que to choose in September 2016, the price of the driving license is on average 1155 euros. A price that varies from one driving school to another. If the basic package of 20 hours is generally less than 1000 euros, it is necessary to count the additional hours of driving, the possible representations at the exam etc.

There are also different ways of finance the driving license, in particular thanks to state aid. The device “permit to one euro per day” allows the apprentice to obtain a loan to pay for his license, the interest on which is paid by the State. To benefit from it, the young person must be old 15 to 25 years old and enrolled in a partner driving school. The total amount of the loan can be 800, 1,000 or 1,200 euros, for a first registration for training in category A and B of the driving license. The regions and departments are also setting up financial aid for driving licenses.
