the draw on Friday March 15, 2024, 130 million euros at stake

the draw on Friday March 15 2024 130 million euros

EUROMILLIONS. An exceptional draw of 130 million euros is at stake this Friday evening at the Euromillions. But will you find the results?

No, you’re not dreaming ! La Française des jeux and its European counterparts are playing the generosity card this Friday, March 15, 2024. Certainly, they should not really lose out from this story, because there should be many participants. It must be said that the possibility of winning 130 million euros leaves no one indifferent. As with any Euromillions draw, it is possible to try your luck until 8:15 p.m., for 2.50 euros. The result of the My Million code will be known around 9 p.m. In any case, a person who tried their luck in France will win one million euros. As for the winning combination, it should be known around approximately 9:30 p.m.

But actually, what could 130 million euros correspond to? It is indeed a colossal sum and most of us, mere mortals, surely have a little difficulty visualizing… the thing. If it seems certain that in the event of victory it will undoubtedly be possible to swim in a pool filled with one euro coins, like Uncle Scrooge, concretely, 130 million euros is also the equivalent of 100,000 minimum wage, or 8,333 years of minimum income in perspective! For fans of the 7th Art, it also means 13.6 million cinema seats. And for those who are more “Team Netflix”, 6,500,000 months of the best possible subscription on the video-on-demand platform, enough to ensure a subscription for you and your descendants for the next 541,666 years!
