the draw of this Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 174 million euros at stake

the draw of this Tuesday June 18 2024 174 million

EUROMILLIONS. Nearly 174 million euros are at stake this Tuesday evening in the Euromillions draw. You have until 8:15 p.m. to participate.

No, you’re not dreaming ! La Française des jeux (FDJ) is indeed offering a colossal prize pool this Tuesday, June 18, 2024. Nearly 17 million euros are up for grabs. To try your luck, nothing too complicated on paper. All you have to do is check a grid of five numbers between 1 and 50 and two star numbers from the 12 possible, for 2.50 euros, the price of a classic grid. You will then have to wait until the time of the draw, around 9:30 p.m., to find out the Euromillions result and compare it with your combination. Then, you are free to take out the bottle of Champagne or Champomy to celebrate your possible victory.

However, let’s keep in mind that if winning the Euromillions was easy, the draw would not be accessible for only 2.50 euros. Indeed, the Euromillions remains a game of chance and the winners are exceptions. By playing only one combination, your chances are of the order of one in 139,838,160. But as the most daring among us will notice: who doesn’t try anything at anything. The results will be delivered anyway right here by the end of the evening.
