the draw for Monday May 23, 2022, 2 million euros at stake [EN DIRECT]

the draw for Monday May 23 2022 2 million euros

LOTTO. The FDJ is putting 2 million euros into play in this Loto draw on May 23, 2022. The results will be available as soon as the draw is completed.

[Mis à jour le 23 mai 2022 à 19h07] La Française des Jeux (FDJ) allows you to win 2 million euros thanks to the Loto draw for this Monday, May 23, 2022. This is the smallest jackpot that can be put into play for a Loto draw. And for good reason, during the previous meeting, a lucky one had pocketed the jackpot. Nevertheless, with this sum, you will be able to benefit your family and friends, or even fly away to the sun. You can follow the result of the Loto draw of the day, as soon as it is done, on this page:

The Loto draw for Monday, May 23, 2022:

But if you want to hope to win such a sum, you must first play. And the Lotto rules are quite simple. To do this, you have to go to your tobacconist, from whom you buy a grid on which you choose six numbers: the first five on a grid of numbers between 1 and 49, and the last, the lucky number to be selected between 1 and 10… If you tick the six correct numbers, the 2 million euros are yours, provided no one else ticks the same numbers as you. For the most homebound, it is also possible to play on the Internet on the sole condition of being of legal age, with proof of identity.

> Try your luck for the next draw with an FDJ grid

La Française des jeux offers you several options to maximize your chances of becoming the lucky winner of the Loto, or at least allowing you to win a nice sum. You also have the option of replaying the numbers in your grid, excluding the lucky number, at each Loto draw thanks to the second draw option. A simple extra checkbox on your Lotto grid, which will only cost you 80 cents more to pay, but which could considerably change the situation! So, what are you waiting for to play?
