The dog torturer in Malmö may have been found – after three years

The dog torturer in Malmo may have been found

Since last spring, Sydsvenskan’s reporters have been searching for who could be the notorious dog torturer in Malmö. Sydsvenskan has spent a lot of time creating a perpetrator profile and working “police-style” as they themselves put it.

Glass and metal in buns

It all started in 2020. The police in Malmö started receiving calls about pieces of bread and meat that were placed at popular places for dog walks, such as dog parks and streets. The pieces of bread and meat would turn out to be filled with shards of glass as well as sharp pieces of metal. Currently, there are over 160 reported murders.

Now mean Joakim Palmkvist, reporter at Sydsvenskan that the editors have found out who the dog tormentor is. IN News morning he says they have looked for and scared the suspect, who is a woman.

“Found the right person and scared her”

– We conclude that we found the right person and scared her, he says.

The woman denies the crimes, but the reporters at Sydsvenskan are convinced.

– If someone comes and accuses you or me of something like this, or of having committed a crime that we have not committed, we would react and question. But she stayed and talked to me and my colleague, and it was a bit strange, says Palmkvist in Nyhetsmorgon.

Since Sydsvenskan’s reporters found the woman, no more pieces of food filled with glass and metal have been found in Malmö. Perhaps this means the end for the dog torturer in Malmö. According to Joakim Palmkvist, things have become calm in the city.

– It has not been calm for such a long time in several years, he tells TV4 Nyhetsmorgon.

Some of the buns prepared with metal that were found in Malmö. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

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