The dog Tobi, 6, was playing in the yard – attacked by deer

The dog Tobi 6 was playing in the yard

Updated 23:25 | Published 23:17

The 6-year-old dog Tobi was out playing in the garden.

Then a deer attacked.

– It is very rare, says animal species expert Tom Arnbom.

When the dog Tobi was out playing in his garden in Tungelsta, south of Stockholm, a deer suddenly appeared with its kid from a nearby forest.

– He usually finds them a bit exciting, but in this case he was a bit wait-and-see, says Tobi’s owner Rasmus Hansen.

At first the deer approached Tobi cautiously. Then it was time to attack.

Caught on surveillance camera

The incident was caught on surveillance camera and was over in seconds.

– He ran in and hid under the balcony and was a bit cut afterwards, but it has gone well and he has not suffered any injuries, says Rasmus Hansen.

He also says that Tobi has never before been attacked by a deer.

– It has never happened before.

“Very rare”

full screenTom Arnbom. Photo: WWF

According to animal expert Tom Arnbom, biologist at WWF, it is very rare for deer to attack dogs – but he says it can happen if they feel crowded.

– It is very rare, I have probably almost never heard of it. But it can happen if they are with their young, then they can defend themselves, he says.

In this case, the kid was nearby when the deer attacked the dog.

– If the kid had stayed in the forest, it would probably never have happened, but in this case it followed and then the deer chose to fight, continues Tom Arnbom.

Advice: Keep the dog on a leash

He also says that you should remember to always have your dogs on a leash during this time of year if you are in places other than your property.

– This situation is different because the dog is on his farm. But if you are out with your dog, you should be careful and leash the dog, he says.
