The dog Filip was found in the garbage – the film reveals the woman

When a passer-by was going to throw away garbage, he was met by two scared dog eyes staring up at him. It was the beginning of a new life for the dog Filip, who was beaten by a woman and dumped in a container.
– He jumped over me when he saw me, says Filip’s new owner Simon.

A surveillance camera in the town of Kranj in Slovenia captures the woman on film. She takes the dog to the container, hits the dog several times and dumps it in the garbage.

Two days later, the dog is found, still alive. A passer-by was about to throw garbage into the container when he suddenly heard a scraping sound. When the man lifted a garbage bag, he was met by two dog eyes.

– Two frightened eyes. The whole dirty poor dog was shaking, says Simon Mohorič.

This is where Filip lives now

Simon Mohorič is an animal lover and the one who took over the dog after it was found. The dog has now been named Filip and is mostly doing well in his new home.

– Yesterday he was quite scared and shaking. Today he is 100% better. He trusts us when we pet him. He sees that no one wishes him harm, says Simon.

The police in the Slovenian city have launched an investigation into animal cruelty. It is unclear if police have found the female suspect yet.

“Amazing how quickly they stick”

Filip doesn’t eat much. He is still affected by the stress. The dog has been examined by veterinarians and will hopefully get better and better.

– I take him out three times a day. It’s really amazing how quickly they attach themselves to us. For example today when I get home. He cried when he saw me and jumped over me, he was so happy, says Simon after taking care of Filip for a few days.

Hear Simon tell, and see the surveillance footage, in the clip above.
