The documents are out! Stunning claim: They prepared a city war by giving weapons to Ukraine

The documents are out Stunning claim They prepared a city

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues on the 10th day, striking details continue to come. According to a report in the US media, NATO, the USA and European countries have been preparing Ukraine for street wars for years. It is stated that Ukraine is resisting Russia with weapons and ammunition from the West, and it has been claimed that military aid has been provided since 2018. Here are the striking details…

It turned out that Ukraine, which responded to the Russian attacks with the ammunition provided by Europe, NATO and the USA, began to receive these aids long before the war started.

According to arms delivery documents reported by the Washington Post, the US has been sending serious weapons systems to Ukraine for a long time. Among the transmitted weapons are a significant number of infantry weapons, as well as anti-aircraft missiles.

According to the list, in early December, the Pentagon sent to Ukraine shotguns, combat weapon systems for the city, and special clothing, as well as bomb disposal specialist equipment.

Over the past week, the Biden administration has for the first time sent Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems to this country and strengthened Kiev’s defenses against tanks. Javelin continued the shipment, further increasing its supply of missiles and other ammunition against armored vehicles.

According to the newspaper’s comment, although the US administration did not send armed forces to Ukraine, it delivered a significant amount of weapons to this country.

Although Ukrainian insurgents have managed to slow the invasion, Russian forces are gaining important positions by pressing in urban areas. The capital, Kyiv, and Ukraine’s second largest city, Kharkiv, were subjected to intense bombardment. Russian troops are also approaching the strategic port city of Mariupol on the Sea of ​​Azov and pressing from the Crimea towards Ukraine’s other major port city, Odessa.


Many experts say the war would turn into a street fight if Moscow could gain control over key cities. The shipping list shows that the Biden administration predicted that Ukraine would need to arm itself for a multi-pronged invasion. According to the report, the Biden administration has sent shoulder-mounted Stinger portable air defense systems, or MANPADS, to Ukraine in the past few days to target Russian aircraft. These were sent in addition to the Javelin missiles, which since 2018 have been the main element of military aid to Ukraine.

According to a senior defense official, about $240 million of the $350 million in military aid approved in late February has already been transferred to Ukraine.

Other information in the news is as follows:

The United States is one of 14 countries that provides security assistance to Ukraine. Transfers of other countries include armor and anti-aircraft systems. Last year, the United States committed more than $1 billion in military aid to Ukraine, the senior defense official said.

Mortar radars, secure communications units, electronic equipment, medical equipment, at least nine patrol boats and 5 Mi-17 transport helicopters were also supplied to Ukraine by the United States, according to the communicated list.
