The doctor’s tip – how to remove a tick step by step

The doctors tip how to remove a tick step

Tick ​​season is here and last year was a record year for the number of people who fell ill with the tick-borne disease TBE. You can protect yourself against TBE by getting vaccinated.

If you are not vaccinated, it is important that you protect yourself against ticks. You can do this by using tick repellants or wearing full-coverage clothing.

But if you do get bitten by a tick, it’s good to know how to remove the tick the right way. News24 have talked to Harald Zetterquistmedical director at Min Doktor, who tells you what to do if you’ve been bitten by a tick.

Use the right tools when removing a tick. Photo: Staffan Claesson This is how you remove ticks

Ticks thrive in moist environments and tall grass. Therefore, it is important that you check whether you have brought the uninvited guest with you after you have been out in nature.

Zetterquist said that it is important to act quickly if you discover that you have received a tick bite.

The faster you remove the tick, the less risk of infection, he tells Nyheter24.

It can be difficult to get rid of ticks and it is important that you make sure you get rid of the entire tick. Therefore, make sure to use tweezers or tick remover.

To remove the tick, do the following:

  • Grasp the tick close to the skin.
  • Pull slowly and straight out.
  • Clean the area with soap and water or disinfectant.

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    You must do this when you have been bitten by a tick

    After a tick bite, it is important that you keep an eye on the bite site.

    – If a reddening of the skin occurs larger than five centimeters, it may be a sign of Lyme disease and then you should contact a doctor. In case of fever, headache or other symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Most people who get TBE recover, but a third develop long-term neurological problems.


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