The doctor’s five tips to protect yourself against ticks

The doctors five tips to protect yourself against ticks

When the grass turns green and the weather gets nice, the ticks crawl out. Last year, a record number fell ill with the tick-borne disease TBE. To avoid getting sick, you can get vaccinated, but there are also other tricks to protect yourself against the parasite.

News24 have talked to Harald Zetterquistmedical director at Min Doktor, who tells you how you can protect yourself against ticks.


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The ticks live here

The ticks emerge when the temperature exceeds five degrees. They thrive best in tall grass, bushes and in the forest. But they can also occur in gardens and parks.

– People who spend a lot of time in nature, have pets or spend time outdoors are at risk of tick bites that can lead to TBE, says Zetterquist.

Tick. Photo: Aas, Erlend/TTFive ways to prevent tick bites

There are several different ways to protect yourself from ticks. Zetterquist shares a list of five ways to prevent tick bites:

  • Wear full-coverage clothing.
  • Use tick repellants.
  • Avoid areas with tall grass.
  • Check the body after you have been in nature.
  • Check your pet’s coat after you’ve been out in nature.

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