the DNI announced on May 10 cannot be done with the politico-military, according to Evariste Ngarlem Toldé

a Saturday without press after the exclusion of journalists from

Discussions are not progressing in Doha, where the Chadian politico-military movements taking part in the pre-dialogue with the government are gathered. And political scientist Evariste Ngarlem Toldé fears that these movements will be excluded from the next Inclusive National Dialogue (DNI) if it opens on May 10 as announced.

Representatives of the rebels denounced the remarks of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who suggested that the government was ready to organize the inclusive national dialogue from May 10, parallel to those of Doha, which could nevertheless send representatives. Is this a way of excluding them from the dialogue? yes, says political scientist Evariste Ngarlem Toldé, joined by Esdras Ndikumana, from the Africa editorial staff. He considers that the DNI without rebels would make little sense

If until today, the inclusive national dialogue has been postponed, it is for the simple reason that the pre-dialogue with the politico-military could not be held and could not take place. Therefore, as soon as Doha welcomes the politico-military and the government, it is normally necessary to wait for the two parties to reach an agreement before organizing this dialogue.

But a dialogue on that date would mean that the politico-military cannot take part, as far as I know, in this dialogue between now and May 10 as long as an agreement is not reached in Doha and as long as the politico-military do not integrate the structure of the organizing committee which is therefore one of their demands.

This is why holding the dialogue on May 10 simply amounts to excluding the politico-military from this great mass which will bring together the Chadians. The dialogue will not be inclusive. Still less, he will not be sovereign. »

Read also : in Chad, the politico-military groups in negotiations in Doha ask for a postponement of the dialogue
