The district court ordered a football player suspected of a series of shop robberies in Kuopio to be monitored | Sport

The district court ordered a football player suspected of a

The suspect, who played in Kuopio Palloseura’s academy team, is allowed to move within a five-kilometer radius of his home under foot control.

The district court of Pohjois Savo ordered a 19-year-old man suspected of several shop robberies to an enhanced travel ban after two weeks of pretrial detention. In practice, it’s about collar monitoring.

The suspect is a player of Kuopio Palloseura’s academy team. He is suspected of four aggravated robberies and one of attempted robbery.

The criminal district commissioner acting as the deputy director of the investigation Mikko Lyytinen according to the police would have wanted to continue arresting the man because of the danger of continuing criminal activity.

– However, the district court considered that the enhanced travel ban is a sufficient means of coercion in this case.

The suspect is allowed to move within a radius of five kilometers from his parents’ home, where the suspect lives, under ankle monitoring.

– If the area ban is violated, the suspect can be subjected to harsher coercive measures again.

Ankle cuff monitoring will continue until the main hearing date of the district court.

Be the first to report about ankle brace supervision Savon Sanomat.
