the dissolution of the National Assembly announced, a “risky decision”

the dissolution of the National Assembly announced a risky decision

Emmanuel Macron spoke this Sunday evening, following the defeat of the majority in the European elections and announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and new legislative elections in the summer of 2024. A last minute decision at the top risk.

23:15 – Rally in Stalingrad after Macron’s speech

END OF LIVE. La France insoumis is calling for a rally “right now” this Sunday evening for the Popular Union on Stalingrad Square in Paris. Speeches are planned depending on the party. At the same time, several hundred people gathered at Place de la République in Paris to demonstrate against the outcome of the election. “Macron, you’re screwed, the youth are in the streets” chant the demonstrators.

23:07 – On the right too, Zemmour calls for a union of the right

Faced with the mobilization of the left to call for a rally, the president of Reconquête Éric Zemmour calls for “the broadest union of the rights” in view of the legislative elections announced by Emmanuel Macron.

23:00 – The call for a “popular front” reaches the left

“We are potentially four weeks away from a xenophobic Prime Minister, a racist Interior Minister, a sexist National Education Minister, a pro-Putin foreign affairs We must form a popular front in the legislative elections” challenged Benoît Hamon, former socialist candidate in the presidential election and founder of the Génération.s sur X party, joining François Ruffin’s call.

22:47 – Bellamy satisfied with Macron’s decision, but opposed to any alliance

By announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron “is putting an end to an untenable political situation” according to François-Xavier Bellamy. “This legislative election must make it possible to offer France the prospect of alternation that it needs,” said the head of the LR list in the European elections on BFMTV, adding in the name of his party that “under no circumstances will we be in the alliance and coalition with Emmanuel Macron. Under no circumstances will we deny our values ​​and our fights.

22:44 – The left called to form a new “Popular Front”

François Ruffin calls on left-wing forces to form a new “Popular Front” after Emmanuel Macron’s speech and his announcement on the dissolution of the National Assembly. “We call on Olivier Faure, Fabien Roussel, Marine Tondelier, Manuel Bompard to carry it, together. Rebels, communists, socialists, ecologists. United. To avoid the worst, to win” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

22:38 – Macron describes Macron as an “arsonist”

“He’s an arsonist of the Republic.” These are the terms used by the rebellious deputy for the Somme, François Ruffin, to describe Emmanuel Macron whom he accuses of “opening the door to power to Marine Le Pen and the far right”. The elected official believes that the Macronist elected officials “are going to take a second beating”

22:27 – The PS calls for a “useful gathering” of the left

The First Secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, called on the left, without specifying whether he includes the party of La France insoumise, to work towards a “useful gathering” after Emmanuel Macron’s speech and his announcement on the dissolution of The national assembly.

22:24 – Macron wants to “cut the stalemate short”

François Bayrou, head of MoDem and heavyweight of the presidential majority, judged Emmanuel Macron’s decision “courageous” and believes that it is a way of “cutting short the stagnation” of the country while recognizing that “it ‘is a risk.’

22:18 – LR refuses to ally with Macron or Le Pen

According to France TV journalist Julien Nény, the leaders of the LR party, Laurent Wauquiez and Éric Ciotti, spoke to each other this Sunday evening after Emmanuel Macron’s speech and made a clear choice: “The option of toppling with Macron or Le Pen does not exist” for the upcoming legislative elections, according to those around Laurent Wauquiez, who would consider running.

22:15 – Left forces will discuss “in the coming hours” after Macron’s speech

The lead candidate of the environmentalist party Marie Toussaint estimated that discussions with other left-wing forces will take place “most certainly in the coming hours” after Emmanuel Macron’s speech.

22:11 – After Macron’s speech, Roussel calls on the left to come together

Communist MP Fabien Roussel called on the left to work on a “pact for France” after Emmanuel Macron’s speech and his decision to dissolve the National Assembly following the European elections.

22:01 – “Dissolution was necessary” according to Macron’s entourage

“There were several tools, but dissolution was necessary” after the result of the European elections, Emmanuel Macron’s entourage told BFMTV. The same sources added that “the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic will campaign” for the legislative elections called by the decision of the Head of State: “We are going there to win, our desire is to seek a majority ” and that “we must never be afraid of the French people”.

21:56 – Ciotti refuses the hand extended by Macron

The president of the LR party, Eric Ciotti, refused the hand extended by the presidential majority, which assured through the voice of Stéphane Séjourné not to present any candidate against the outgoing deputies “part of the Republican field”: the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes assured that his party will go to the legislative elections “without any form of coalition, cooperation, collaboration with this power which has so damaged France”.

21:52 – Glucksmann ready to “constitute a force of resistance to the extreme right”

Raphaël Glucksmann denounces an “irresponsible” decision after Emmanuel Macron’s speech, but the head of the list of Place publique and the Socialist Party assures in the name of his camp: “We are ready to fight, to constitute a force of resistance to the extreme right” while according to him “the President of the Republic obeys Jordan Bardella”.

9:48 p.m. – Macron “plays Russian roulette”

“To dissolve without giving anyone time to organize and without a campaign is to play Russian roulette with the destiny of the country” denounced Valérie Pécresse, the former LR candidate for the 2022 presidential election.

