The dispute between Iris Klein and Yvonne Woelke explains

The dispute between Iris Klein and Yvonne Woelke explains

Celebrities under palm trees are back on TV. A candidate has little to laugh about during filming: reality veteran Iris Klein meets Yvonne Woelke for the first time on the show, who is said to have spanned the man. After a dirty rose war, the fronts are extremely hardened. We explain the mega beef between Iris Klein, Peter Klein and Yvonne Woelke.

The third-party drama started in the jungle camp: was Iris Klein really cheated?

Who is Iris Klein (57)? You saw reality fans in formats such as the jungle camp or Big Brother, others know them as the mother of the most famous blonde in Germany-Mallorca emigrant Daniela Katzenberger.

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Iris was married to the trained painter and painter Peter Klein (57) for 17 years. In 2023 the marriage came to its dramatic end: Iris accused her ex that he is said to have cheated on her in the jungle camp hotel. Peter Klein had traveled to Australia as an accompanying person from ex-son-in-law Lucas Cordalis and lived with the accompaniment of the other stars in the Versace Hotel while filming. Also included: actress Yvonne Woelke (approx. 46), who had traveled for jungle queen Djamila Rowe. Peter and Yvonne are said to have come closer to the hotel, according to Iris, according to Iris On Instagram:

[Yvonne] Stand/was always next to him when I called him […] His answer why he did it to me was: He felt so lonely!

Peter Klein denied the allegations and asserted that he hadn’t cheated Iris. As RTL reported, Peter did not want to face the marriage to Iris lightly: “I’m not throwing 20 years away.” However, Iris Klein didn’t believe a word and still separated.

Announced on the reality TV: Peter Klein and Yvonne Woelke are a couple

Peter repeatedly denied that he had feelings for Yvonne; Nevertheless, the rumor mill continued to boil. When the second season of the Trash Reality Show Forsthaus Rampensau was announced, the two made it public: Peter Klein and Yvonne Woelke are a couple of lovers and compete as a team on the show.

Yvonne and Peter still affirm that there was no fraud. Only after the external rumors had arisen did the two grown closer together in their pain. Yvonne Woelke claims in the RTL interview that she had tried everything for a while to suppress her feelings for Peter. But that didn’t work out and so she finally gave: “Then I thought: ‘People hate me anyway.'” However, fans do not consider this version of things to be credible.

Rose war instead of peaceful divorce: Peter Klein raises violent allegations against his ex -wife

So far we have completely left an important detail: Shortly before the big confession at Forsthaus Rampensau, it occurred in late 2024 To the official divorce between Iris and Peter Klein. Both are glad that “The spook over” be, but even after the divorce, the allegations do not stop.

Iris Klein was damaged to repay 100,000 euros to Peter Klein. However, it was so badly ordered about her finances that she wanted to pay the sum in ten rates. Peter Klein let his anger run free on Instagram, because in his opinion Iris Klein was very solvable:

I only say: ‘ridiculous.’ Because they had demonstrably brought aside almost half a million euros, of which € 400,000 were shared assets. In criminal intention, knowingly, she neglected this money.

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Peter Klein describes the payment in installments as “Power game of your sick soul.” He claims that Iris Klein is a victim to remain interesting in reality TV: “Her falling star started to shine again. She gave countless interviews, was booked in TV shows.” However, critical fans note that this accusation must also apply to Yvonne and Peter; Finally he uses attention on TV, to push his new career as a pop star.

How peaceful the first meeting between Iris Klein and Yvonne Woelke will be under palm trees at celebrities can be seen next week. The meeting after this war of roses will certainly not be stress -free.

Streaming & TV broadcast: Then celebrities come under palm trees

After the show has paused for many years, it is finally back. Celebrities under palm trees run every Monday at 8:15 p.m. on Sat.1. If you don’t want to wait that long, you can switch on joyn+. Here the episodes start a week before TV broadcast.
