The disease makes you forget the way to the doctor! The superfood of winter months that raises immunity to the top

The disease makes you forget the way to the doctor

The winter season has come. Cold weather causes heavier meals and increased inactivity. These two often impair gut health. Winter months are the months when many digestive system diseases, especially constipation, are experienced intensely.

Those who have a healthy lifestyle and diet also have a stronger digestion in the winter season. However, prolonged exposure to cold temperatures slows metabolism and affects digestion. Therefore, you should pay more attention to your nutrition during the winter months. You can protect yourself against diseases with 5 super foods that will not only keep your digestive system healthy, but also keep your immunity strong.


The best aspects of cold weather are that it provides an abundance of green leafy vegetables. The variety and flavor of vegetables will keep you full. It will also protect against stomach and digestive system diseases. It also boosts your immunity…


Winter vegetables such as mustard greens, fenugreek, and spinach are all rich in dietary fiber, which improves digestion and bowel movements.


While most people grimace at the thought of consuming ghee, doing so will seriously benefit your digestive system. Ghee is an excellent aid for easy digestion and has been scientifically proven to have health benefits. It supports the immune system by helping it fight bacteria that cause gas and acid formation in the stomach.



To reap all the digestive benefits, winter recipes call for a variety of herbs and spices to be used. Herbs such as cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, cumin seeds, and cloves all have a miraculous effect on the body’s ability to properly digest food and break down fat.



While fiber is beneficial year-round, winter is when it is most needed. Foods high in fiber help regulate the digestive process. Carrot, radish, guava, apple etc. All leafy green vegetables in winter can provide fiber.


Although the body needs protein throughout the year, eating high-protein meals during the winter months is especially important to keep the digestive system working efficiently and to prevent gas or acid build-up in the stomach. Depending on your taste, you can get protein from both plants and animals. Both sources are equally good.
