The dilemmas of the PS, the new red line of the RN – L’Express

The dilemmas of the PS the new red line of

Values ​​or budget? Censor or not censor? Or suggest one thing and ultimately apply the opposite? In the middle of the budget negotiations with François Bayrou, the Socialist Party has not finished raising the auctions as the right wing of the government fits on the elastic. The expression “migratory submersion”, launched by François Bayrou, the maintenance of interrogation around state medical aid … but also the request, by deputy EPR Maud Bregeon, of reintegration of articles out of the Immigration Act by the Constitutional Council or the offensive interview with Gérald Darmanin on CNews. “You should not be naive, it is a coordinated attack hitting the founding values ​​of the Republican Front,” said socialist Johanna Rolland. The latter, if she had been deputy, would have opted for censorship. As well as number 3 of the party, Pierre Jouvet. But the first is mayor of Nantes, and the second MEP. That’s the whole problem. Everyone talks about where they are and the voices do not agree. Because PS deputies are not as firm. They are even very undecided.

Read also: Gérald Darmanin, his strategy to occupy space: his request to Bayrou, his SMS to a prison director

“No way to reconcile the question of leftist identity with that of stability”

At the PS, as two weeks ago, one of the emergencies is to adequate the position of the parliamentary group with that of the party. The substantive question, however, acts as a dilemma: “In this case, there is no way to reconcile the question of the identity of the left with that of stability. It is better to a budget on the right or no budget At all? “Asked, the parliamentarian Laurent Baumel.

For the moment, the PS has chosen not to really choose. In the middle of the watch, they let the bullets of the rebellious pass. And do not want to return to their arms – that time is over, they swear – or throw themselves into those of the government. The equation is therefore difficult for Olivier Faure, the first secretary, and Boris Vallaud, the leader of socialist deputies. How to censor without censorship? Do you follow? “With the non-censorship agreement, we demonstrated to the French that we really wanted to change their lives, act, obtain small social victories, but victories anyway. What LFI did not visibly”, deciphered a PS deputy A few weeks ago, the day after François Bayrou’s general policy speech. The same, today: “It is clear that it is the government that prevents us from changing the lives of people.” Certain roses of roses already support that the PS drops off its own motion of censorship. History of “free yourself from the rebellious” …

Even before the controversy around the “feeling of migratory submersion”, the socialists increased the auctions, claiming (even last weekend) new expenses by threatening, if not, to vote censorship. Some socialists more responsible than others have moved. But François Bayrou and his friends would especially like to make one thing to understand at the PS: since they are in opposition, it is normal that they oppose. That they oppose the various policies carried out by the government, that is. But we must not bring everything back to the budget.

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Parliament is a place where we discuss. Beyond postures, the bridges are not broken between Matignon and the socialists. François Bayrou remains convinced that the PS will not censor the budget. He who did not enter the LCI set with the intention of letting go by using the word “submersion”, does not want to place himself in the hands of the RN.

Because for a few hours, the lepenists have attended their own resurrection. And that is well despite themselves. The RN, condemned for weeks to watch the trains pass, suddenly finds itself propelled to the almost centuries of the game, and can thank Matignon and the socialists. The first, for walking on his lexical flower beds, the latter, to make him the pivot force again which would allow or not to bring down the government.

At the RN, “it is out of the question that we give a blanc-check to a budget without vision”

Well silent for weeks, frontists are wake up. And start by swearing that the government has never failed to treat them. Including during the intense negotiation period with the socialists. Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy for the Somme and designated emissary on economic issues, has multiplied the appointments with the various representatives of the government, from Laurent Saint-Martin to Eric Lombard via Catherine Vautrin, when Marine Le Pen, she , met Manuel Valls after his trip to Mayotte.

Courageous but not reckless, François Bayrou held the lessons of censorship in December, and integrated that he should include Marine Le Pen and his comrades in the discussions. So much so that some ministers are convinced that they have found the trick to neutralize them. “The RN has been put on the key, they don’t have the way to press the button, assures a member of the government. They need to calm the thing, and besides I don’t hear them a lot, they n ‘have no strong position. ” François Bayrou is not so categorical. He has not forgotten the immigration law, nor the barnier censorship: these people can change at the last minute, they can make you fall even if you give them everything …

Read also: In the European Parliament, the perpetual isolation of the RN of Jordan Bardella: rivalries, cordon health …

He does not think so well. Now the RN, which assured that its position since December had not varied, begins to brandish new “red lines” which could push it to censor the budget. According to our information, Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella told Jean-Philippe Tanguy on Monday that the budget should not exceed 5 % deficit (it is built on a hypothesis of 5.4 %). A much more problematic request than that concerning the deindexation of pensions, or the release of certain drugs, and which could serve as a “suitcase” red line allowing the RN to raise the auctions. Disguised way, too, to open up new ways of justification of a possible censorship.

A final argument has just appeared: the absence of “vision” inherent in this budget. “It is out of the question that we give a white signing to a budget without vision” justifies in advance a voice which carries within the party. A change of foot assumed half-word by the frontists. “If we resumed word for word the red lines of December, our negotiations were finished and we were out, since the fall of Barnier erased the last red line namely the indexing of pensions, we had to add new ones” , concedes a deputy. Censor to exist? The answer will depend on the result of the joint joint committee, which is held this Thursday. “And, as usual, we will make our decision this weekend,” says a relative of Marine Le Pen.

