the developers present Below, a creepy area

the developers present Below a creepy area

While Arnaud is having fun (or not) with The Callisto Protocol, KRAFTON has teamed up this time with the PlayStation-Blog to introduce Below, an area that developers at Striking Distance Studios call particularly creepy. To design this maze of abandoned tunnels that once served Arcas, Callisto’s first human settlement, Aasim Zubair (environment design director) confides that the teams started from a very simple philosophy: it has to be dark, wet and scary. And as survival enthusiasts know, a place is even more terrifying when it’s familiar to us.

Below is a unique area because it is inspired by real world materials and shapeshe explains. Unlike other environments in the game where pure sci-fi elements dominate, Below lets players feel in a familiar place while immersing them in the past of the First Dead Moon Colony. […] It offers great scope for exploration, hidden areas, spookiness, and the ability to use the space to tell a compelling story.

In addition to Below, we are also told about the Captain Leon Ferris (played by Sam Witwer) who, obviously, is a very complex character. “During Leon’s development, he was often described as Jacob’s ‘dark mirror’noted head writer R. Eric Lieb. At the beginning of the story, their behaviors are similar. They are both oblivious (or willfully blind) to the consequences of their actions. Their meeting shatters their respective worlds. Their reaction to what is happening within Black Iron (and to the manager) is at the heart of their relationship and allows players to understand the world in which they find themselves.

The Callisto Protocol

Finally, we are entitled to a focus on the Biophages, the creatures that Jacob Lee will have to face during his journey. Again, their human appearance makes them even more menacing, and the developers have made their postures evoke emotions we know such as pain, fear and anger. Like the Necromorphs of Dead Space, there will be several types of Biophages with skills that are unique to them. For example, the Rusher will walk on walls and will not hesitate to run towards us before jumping on us.

For the record, the release of The Callisto Protocol is scheduled for December 2 on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5 and PC.

The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol
