The detail in Laila Bagge’s house creates strong reactions

The detail in Laila Bagges house creates strong reactions

Laila Bagge, 51, is not exactly known for being on the lazy side. During her career, she has managed to say no to hopeful “Idol” applicants, laugh on radio shows and run beauty companies.

Even at home, she makes sure to maximize her days with various projects, for example house renovation. On Instagram she is now sharing a change in her house that followers are reacting strongly to.

READ MORE: Laila Bagge’s shameless dress creates strong reactions

Laila Bagge’s dress attracted attention.

It is not the first time that Laila’s Instagram post has been noticed, but the comment field is usually filled with both positive and negative opinions.

Most recently, it was about a dress that Laila chose to wear at a wedding.

Despite the fact that wedding attire can be somewhat sensitive in the cabins, there were many who were overjoyed by the dress.

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The new detail in Laila’s house creates reactions

Now Laila has put up another post that the followers flock around, and this time too they pay tribute to Laila’s impeccable taste.

Below the post are comments such as:

“So pretty. I’ll probably paint our stairs black too! Really delicious.”

“Well just say wow! So much better with black!”

“So wow!! Black is definitely the best color! Super cool!!!”

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Laila Bagge’s deleted juck video: “Now we’re driving”
