the departments where Jordan Bardella exceeded 40%… and those who shunned him – L’Express

the departments where Jordan Bardella exceeded 40 and those who

Frontist tidal wave this Sunday, June 9 at the end of the European vote. By gathering 31.4% of the votes cast, Jordan Bardella’s list is almost 17 points ahead of that of the presidential majority led by Valérie Hayer, who came second with 14.6%. An electoral slap in the face which led Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly. But depending on the territories, support for the National Rally (RN) project varies.

Certain pools have in fact remained sealed from “Bardella-mania”. This is particularly the case for departments with large urban centers. Like the Rhône for example, where the party founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen has been gaining ground for several years. This Sunday, less than a quarter of Rhodanians voted for the list led by the president of the RN.

But it is no surprise in Paris that the far-right party’s scores were the lowest: only 8.5% of voters slipped an RN ballot into the ballot box. Already in 2022, Marine Le Pen had only gathered 14.8% of the votes following the vote in the second round of the presidential election. For the European vote, Brittany is also among the territories least tempted by the frontist vote. The list led by Jordan Bardella failed to break through the 30% wall in the Breton departments.

A generalization of the RN vote

In contrast to the north-east of France, where the RN flirts with the symbolic threshold of 50%. In Haute-Marne for example, more than 47% of voters who went to the polling station placed their trust in the RN. In Aisne, where the poverty rate exceeds the national average by three points, the percentage even climbs to 50.6%. Voters from Gard, Vaucluse, Var and even Corse-du-Sud also largely supported Jordan Bardella.

READ ALSO: Bardella victory: behind the scenes, the campaign of a new generation

It must be said that for his second European campaign, the rising star of the nationalist right managed to considerably expand the electorate of the party of which he took the reins in September 2021. While for almost three decades, the frontist vote was concentrated in the North and the South of France, few territories are today resisting the breakthrough of the RN. Proof of this is that in Sunday’s European elections, the list led by the young wolf of Marine Le Pen exceeds 30% of the votes cast in more than sixty French departments…
