The Democrats enter the battle for the Senate

The Democrats enter the battle for the Senate

Published: Just now

full screen Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto during an election night speech on Tuesday. Photo: Gregory Bull/AP/TT

As the vote count in the US Senate election enters its fourth day, it is clear that the incumbent Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto is closing in heavily on Republican Adam Laxalt in Nevada.

After new vote numbers were released from Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, Laxhalt’s lead has shrunk to just under a couple of thousand votes, according to CNN. However, there are still tens of thousands of votes to be counted in the state.

The vote count is also underway in Arizona, where the Democrat’s Mark Kelly continues to hold his lead with 5.6 percentage points against the Republican’s Blake Masters.

The score in the Senate election is still 48-49 in favor of the Republicans.

If either party wins in both states, it means that the party in question gets the balance of power in the Senate. If the states get one party each, all eyes will turn to Georgia, where none of the candidates reached 50 percent and a second round of elections in December awaits.
