“The delay causes difficulties in the preparation of many athletes”

The delay causes difficulties in the preparation of many athletes

According to Finnish Sportsmen, the reason for the delay in the grants is, among other things, a change of minister.

Suomen Urheilijat, an organization that brings together domestic players’ and athletes’ associations, demands that decisions regarding athlete grants be made earlier. The organization also wants the athletes’ voices to be better heard when decisions concerning them are made.

This year, the decisions on the Winter Sports grants will be published after mid-July, while in recent years the decisions have come in June. According to Finnish Sportsmen, the delay is justified by, among other things, a change of minister.

– Suomen Urheilijat ry stresses that some of the winter sports athletes’ training seasons have already been running since April and the delay in grant decisions is causing difficulties in the preparation of many athletes for the upcoming season.

– Suomen Urheilijat demands that in the future the Grant decisions for athletes should come earlier than before, and at least not any later than in recent years for both summer and winter sports. For example, a change of minister should not delay decisions, Suomen Urheilijat says.

In summer sports, grant decisions are now made in February.

– It would be important to inform the athletes about the Grant decisions for the summer sports already in November and the decisions for the winter sports in May. Earlier information about the decisions would significantly facilitate the preparation and planning of many athletes for the upcoming season. Better preparation for the season brings better sporting results, Suomen Urheilijat emphasizes.

Suomen Urheilijat wants “stronger tripartite cooperation with the Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Education and Culture” in the future.

– The voice of athletes must be taken into account better in the current system when decisions are made regarding athletes.
