The defense lawyer: It is not uncommon for close relatives to be suspected without grounds

One of the women has a relationship with one of the other accused men. The woman denies all suspicions despite the fact that the police found narcotics in their shared apartment storage.

– I have to put my full faith in the fact that my client is not aware of this and should then be acquitted of it, says the woman’s lawyer Jakobs Erik Werf in the clip above.

Big mess of drugs

It was during a raid that the police found almost 1.5 kilos of crystal (3-CMC) and 1,500 tablets of tramadol in Bollnäs at the beginning of the year. The amount of crystal alone has a street value of around SEK 600,000.

Six people were subsequently arrested and five of them are now suspected of serious drug offenses because “it happened as part of an activity that was carried out on a larger scale or professionally because it involved a particularly large amount of drugs”.

Puppies were used as cover in the drug gang in Bollnäs.
