The defense is investigating a violation outside Ystad

The defense is investigating a violation outside Ystad

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen The Swedish Armed Forces are investigating a possible Russian violation of Swedish waters off the coast of Ystad. Archive image. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

A possible Russian violation of Swedish waters may have taken place south of Ystad’s coast yesterday, which Ystad’s Allehanda was the first to report on.

The armed forces confirm to TT that they are investigating the incident.

A Russian tugboat was observed on Saturday by the Swedish navy off the south coast of Skåne. The ship reportedly has a final destination of Arkhangelsk on the White Sea in northwestern Russia.

During the afternoon it passed on a straight course south of Ystad, and then turned sharply. Then it went southeast to turn around again – and then back.

– We are aware of the incident with the ship and are investigating whether there was a violation or not, says Johanna Toll, communicator at the Swedish Armed Forces, to TT.

Late on Sunday afternoon, the Russian-owned ship was further south, heading towards the German Rügen. According to YA, one of the Swedish Navy’s corvettes has been seen near the ship.

– Of course, we keep an eye on our territorial waters and follow the situation closely, but otherwise I don’t want to comment further on the incident, says Johanna Toll.
