The decline of ground forces after the Cold War is embarrassing for Europe, a military expert estimates

The decline of ground forces after the Cold War is

According to Jukka Heinänen, the head teacher of strategy at the National Defense University, it is difficult for EU countries to deliver aid to Ukraine because there is not much equipment in good condition.

23.1. 22:03•Updated 23.1. 22:05

It is difficult for EU countries to send aid to Ukraine, because the equipment resources are limited. This is how the head teacher of strategy at the National Defense University, lieutenant colonel, assesses Jukka Heinänen in Monday night’s A-studio. Ukraine would like to receive battle tanks, but Germany is holding back sending them.

After the end of the Cold War, Europe had massive land forces, but today the situation is different. Heinänen says that in the 1990s the threat of the Cold War had disappeared, and the focus shifted to the war against terrorism.

– Many countries started to modernize their armed forces in the direction that the war and crisis management operations take place somewhere other than Europe.

According to Heinänen, for example, Germany has driven down entire types of weapons.

– Regeneration takes a really long time. It doesn’t happen with the snap of fingers, and it’s probably even embarrassing for many countries right now.

Instead, Russia has systematically developed its defense forces, states the head of the University of Helsinki’s research college Tuomas Forsberg. He believes that the EU could, however, help Ukraine if the countries managed to pool their resources.

Forsberg is particularly surprised by Germany’s slowness in the matter.

– Yes, this is very much a question, Chancellor From Olaf Scholz itself. For some reason, he doesn’t want to proceed with this issue, which seems contradictory.

Heinänen says that if the countries come to an agreement on sending the tanks, Ukraine would only be able to use them after about six months.

Monday’s A-studio can be viewed at Areena.

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