The decision has been made – Köping is losing emergency care

The ruling majority’s (M, KD and L) proposal to centralize emergency care in the county to Västerås – no later than 2029 went through with the support of the Sweden Democrats, with a margin of one vote. 39 members voted yes and 38 no.

Cardiac care and operations are to be moved to Västerås.

– Today it is my turn to stand up straight for a decision that will mean major changes, says Malin Gabrielsson (KD), chairman of the regional board.

Köping will instead be allowed to keep a close-by, which will be open all days and evenings of the week, according to Region Västmanland.

– Good care where it becomes easier to get to the health center where competence and resources are gathered in the event of a life-threatening condition, says Malin Gabrielsson (KD), chairman of the regional board.

Major investments await

The hospital in Köping is facing major renovations, where, among other things, cramped premises and deficiencies in fire protection and drainage have existed for many years.

According to a previous press release, the region expects that the measure will result in reduced investment costs of SEK 1.2 billion, which means SEK 88 million lower costs for operation and rent per year.

S promises to overturn the decision

S, V and C voted against the proposal, and according to the Social Democrats there is no doubt how they will act if they get to sit on the board at the next election in 2026.

– We will tear up the decision if we get power, says the opposition councilor, Kenneth Östberg (S).

In the clip, you can hear the regional council’s comments on the decision.
