The death rate is higher in places with high air pollution! Here are the dangerous places in Istanbul…

The death rate is higher in places with high air

Istanbul is among the cities with the most air pollution. The health effects of air pollution are well known. Air pollution, which puts the health of asthma and COPD patients at great risk, causes an increase in death rates. Dr. Nilüfer Aykaç stated that in places where air pollution is high in Istanbul, deaths due to Covid-19 are high, “As air pollution increases, it is seeking death due to Covid-19. In our study we have done in Istanbul for 7-8 years, Esenyurt and Bağcılar have the highest air pollution. “We have seen that there are more Covid-19 deaths in places where this pollution is high. Covid-19 disease is more common in places where blue-collar workers live, such as industrial zones in Istanbul, Tuzla and Bağcılar, compared to other places,” he said.


Nilüfer Aykaç said, “We have been compiling air pollution studies both in the world and in Turkey for 7-8 years. During this period, we also conducted a study with the pandemic. This work has received an award. Covid-19 is actually not a very egalitarian virus. It does not hold all layers of society equally. Fragile groups, the elderly and the poor are more affected. We studied the air pollution, age, social and economic status of deaths and their relations with households in Istanbul. Our study showed that in Istanbul, where air pollution is high, deaths due to Covid-19 are increasing. As air pollution increases, it increases with death due to Covid-19. At the same time, if you live in a polluted environment, if your age is over 65 and your socio-economic background is low, you are more affected by Covid 19.” he said.



Stating that the worst known air pollutant in the world is particulate matter 2.5, Aykaç said, “We do not measure this at every station in Turkey. No national particulate matter 2.5 data in Turkey. In fact, there is no lower limit for air pollution. Air pollution is harmful to human health at every border. Particulate matter is also 5 as indicated by the World Health Organization. We still do not have a national value in Turkey. For particulate matter, the 2021 World Health Organization reference value is 15, while Turkey’s is 40. Returning to the map of Turkey, especially Batman, Iğdır, Muş, Ağrı, Şırnak are places where air pollution is seriously high. If air pollution increases, both cardiovascular diseases and respiratory system diseases, stroke, lung cancers, bladder cancer are associated with air pollution. Relatively, it seems to be in the 30s in Istanbul. If we look at the WHO data, it has a height of about 3 floors. It is not possible to say that WHO’s reference values ​​are very good in Istanbul. Hakkari is the only province that is below the WHO reference value in the 2021 map. Apart from that, everywhere is polluted and areas that are seriously risky in terms of health,” he said.



Evaluating the provinces with high reference values, Aykaç said, “There is a power plant in Şırnak, and it affects it. The industrial structure of Iğdır is like a full bowl, and its ventilation is weak. Due to urban transformation in Istanbul, excavation and high-rise buildings reduce air circulation. One of the biggest problems right now is the global climate crisis, biodiversity loss and air pollution. We humans will decide. We will either live together with all clean living things, or we will live alone with serious problems.
