the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri, a success for Joe Biden?

the death of Ayman al Zawahiri a success for Joe Biden

Like the washington post, the dailies return to the meticulous preparation of the attack against the leader of al-Qaeda. After a final briefing with the intelligence services on July 25, Joe Biden finally agreed to this strike, writes the newspaper.

And it is undeniably a success for the president, underlines the site Politico, but nothing to do with the death of bin Laden, whose impact was much more resounding in American public opinion. This time, writes the online newspaper, the information is just another piece of news making headlines on Tuesday. On the other hand, the fact that the leader of al-Qaeda was able to hide in a neighborhood whose accesses are all controlled by the Taliban must question us, continues Politico: “ Are the leaders of Afghanistan still protecting terrorists? If that is the case, writes the news sitethe Afghanistan file is far from closed for the United States “.

► To read also: Who was Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden’s successor at the head of al-Qaeda

To listen also: Death of Ayman al-Zawahiri: “Biden wanted to show that the United States is back”

Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan: good or bad idea?

Among this information that shares the front page with the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri, is Nancy Pelosi’s controversial trip to Taiwan. Opinions differ on the advisability of this trip, at a time when relations between Beijing and Washington are already very tense.

In a gallery of New York TimesThomas Friedman believes that Nancy Pelosi behaves in a way “ reckless, dangerous and irresponsible “. According to Friedman, nothing good will come of it [de cette visite]. Taiwan will not be safer or more prosperous as a result of this purely token visit, and a lot of bad things could happen. Among these, a Chinese military response that could plunge the United States into indirect conflicts with a nuclear-armed Russia and a nuclear-armed China. “.

A point of view which is not shared by Politico. The online newspaper believes that prior to Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, contacts between American and Chinese soldiers must have taken place. Despite the belligerent rhetoric, the two parties have certainly found a compromise behind the scenes that allows them to manage this crisis. “.

► To read also: The leader of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan

Donald Trump’s ex-wife buried on a golf course for tax reasons?

A few days after the funeral of the former wife of Donald Trump, the choice of his last rest is controversial. Was Ivana Trump, who died on July 14, buried on a golf course for tax reasons? This is what an article from the washington postentitled “ Donald Trump’s latest scam “.

Ivana Trump rests at Bedminister, one of the golf courses owned by the former president. A photo of his grave was published by the New York Post. Why this choice ? According to the washington post, Donald Trump, by transforming his golf course into a cemetery, will be exempt from taxes. According to New Jersey state law, it is enough to have one grave for a piece of land to be declared a cemetery. So it’s very simple, write it washington post : “ Donald Trump used his ex-wife for a tax evasion operation “.

Haiti: the gang war in the country makes the Church react

It should be read in the newspaper The National. The Conference of Bishops of Haiti denounces the systematic violence of criminal gangs as well as the inaction, even the complicity of the authorities. What is happening is “ the annihilation of the state “. The first victim of this situation is the civilian population. The National went to the Sainte-Elisabeth Center which hosts refugees from the town of Cité Soleil, where a bloody gang war has left hundreds dead.

More than 3,000 people have had to leave their homes, like this young woman of 23, who now lives at the Center Sainte-Elisabeth. She testifies in the newspaper: I lost my father in the war, he didn’t have a funeral. We only dug a hole near the sea to bury his body. There is no life in Cité Soleil, it is not possible that we return there “.
