The deadliest type of cancer, however… Lung cancer symptoms

The deadliest type of cancer however… Lung cancer symptoms

It is stated that more than 40 thousand new lung diagnoses were made in 2020. Lung cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage because it usually does not cause many symptoms in the early stages or because the most typical symptom, cough, occurs when smokers consult a doctor late with the thought that ‘cigarette coughs’. Delay in treatment also leads to death of the patient.


Acıbadem Ataşehir Hospital Thoracic Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur, however, stated that it is possible to completely get rid of lung cancer, which can be diagnosed early and treated surgically, thanks to the important developments in both surgical treatment and other treatment methods. It is recommended to have low radiation dose computed tomography of the lung every year for people over 50 years of age. In this way, it is possible to catch early-stage lung cancer that has not yet given any symptoms.”



So, which symptoms indicate lung cancer, when should a doctor be consulted? Thoracic Surgeon Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur talked about the symptoms of lung cancer within the scope of “November 1-30 World Lung Cancer Awareness Month”; Important warnings!



Cough is often the first sign of lung cancer. Thoracic Surgeon Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur stated that the cough develops as a result of the tumor irritating the airway or causing obstructions and said, “Chronic smokers may experience a chronic cough accompanied by some sputum, especially in the morning. However, it is vital to consult a doctor when an increase in pre-existing cough or a change in the character of the cough is felt.



Bloody sputum is one of the most specific manifestations of lung cancer. Bleeding from the mouth in lung cancer; Coming with a deep cough and usually with sputum, it is in the form of a drop or line in the sputum. “Seeing blood in the sputum is a sign that it is necessary to apply to a doctor immediately,” Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur said, “Sometimes, there is bleeding in the nose and gums, and it can come from the mouth or mixed with sputum. Therefore, bleeding from every mouth does not necessarily mean lung cancer. However, it is beneficial for middle-aged and older smokers to be skeptical about this issue,” he says.



Shortness of breath may develop due to the obstruction of the airway by the lung tumor or the accumulation of water in the lungs due to the tumor. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is common in chronic smokers, and these patients may experience shortness of breath. When lung cancer develops in COPD patients, there may be a further deterioration in their breathing capacity. Even if the person makes less effort, for example climbing stairs or walking a shorter distance, he immediately feels tired. People who have not experienced shortness of breath before may also experience shortness of breath with physical activity. All these findings can be a signal of lung cancer that requires consultation with a physician.


The tumor may obstruct the airway in the lung and infection may develop in the lung part behind this obstruction. Although treated with antibiotics and resolved, the lung infection recurs after a while. prof. Dr. Erdal Okur said, “Therefore, a person who has repeatedly had a lung infection should consider the possibility that there may be a problem in his lungs blocking the airway and should definitely consult his doctor.” says.


Of the nerves that go to the vocal cords, especially the one on the left, passes near the lung, and when the lung tumor itself or the lymph node enlargement caused by it presses on this nerve, the patient’s voice may begin to become completely or partially hoarse. Although there are other causes of hoarseness, it is of great importance for people in the risk group for lung cancer to be careful about this issue.


Pain in the chest area is seen when the lung tumor reaches the chest wall. It develops as a continuous blunt and never-ending pain. Thoracic Surgeon Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur said, “Tumors that develop in the upper parts of the lungs can cause shoulder and arm pain. Therefore, pain in the chest area that does not improve without any other reason and within 1-2 weeks can be a harbinger of lung cancer.” warns.


Like most cancers, destruction in the body increases in lung cancer, and anemia develops in the patient. The patient is losing weight gradually and may feel sluggish and exhausted. Sometimes weight loss can continue even if her appetite has not decreased and she is well fed. Therefore, involuntary weight loss without dieting can be caused by a malignant tumor that develops anywhere in the body.


Other symptoms such as glandular enlargement in the neck region, difficulty in swallowing, persistent pain in the arms and legs, and wheezing can sometimes be the first signal, although they are actually caused by advanced lung cancer.
