The Day Before was once the most expected game on Steam

In 2023, The Day Before changed from the most desired game on Steam to one of the largest flops in video game history. However, the quality of the product should not have been to blame.

Who is the developer sued? The people responsible for Fntastic, the studio behind the day, sue the Russian news site, which is located in the Siberian region of Jakutia – like the game studio.

According to the lawsuit, the news website is said to have harmed the reputation of Fntastic by describing the behavior of the developers in connection with the development of The Day Before as “Scam” or fraud.

Furthermore, a report is the focus of the lawsuit, in which youtube influencers have been paraphrased, according to which The Day Before is said to have copied or “borrowed” mechanics and content from other games.

Will webedia also be sued by Fntastic soon?

The Day Before: Between fraud and incompetence

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Sorry, was not a fraud, just an embarrassment!

How does the sued website react? In a response to, those responsible for Yakutia explain that the term “scam” is quite new in the Russian language and that one is not intended to accuse the developers of fraud. The term was therefore replaced by “embarrassment” and expanded the second article on the influencer assessments with the specific quotations.

The editors of Yakutia also explain that the developers specifically selected a small editorial team from home for the lawsuit, which can hardly defend themselves legally. There were a variety of media and content buyers worldwide who are said to have used terms such as “scam” and “fraud” in connection with The Day Before.

The developers themselves are even of the opinion that The Day Before was actually a good game for the release, which, especially thanks to influencers on Twitch and Co.

What do I need to know about The Day Before? The Day Before should once become an ambitious survival MMO that was able to inspire in the first trailers with impressive graphics and a variety of exciting features. The project rose on Steam for the most crowded game, but then the deep case followed:

  • Test phases and the final release have been postponed several times.
  • After the release of new trailers, players began to doubt the quality.
  • In the meantime, there were reports that the studio would recruit volunteers who were supposed to work on the project for nothing.
  • Then The Day Before also got into a legal dispute over his name and in the meantime disappeared from Steam.
  • When the release on December 7, 2023 was finally imminent, not much of the original hype was left. Nevertheless, The Day Before immediately went steeply on Twitch, just to be torn on Steam. On December 11, the statement followed that The Day Before had “failed financially”. This would lack the funds to continue.

    The closure followed just a few days after the release. It speaks for itself that certain reports surrounding the new project from FNTTISTIC are reminiscent of the game-made car accident The Day Before: The DAY Before studio asks for free content for your new game, do not pay any payment
