The Day Before 4K DLSS video released

The Day Before 4K DLSS video released

For The Day Before, which will be released in the coming days, a 4K resolution ray tracing and DLSS3 supported gameplay video has been released.

The Day Before, which combines survival and genre with MMO dynamics, is only a short time away. For the production, which is expected to be released on March 1, 2023, a video was released by NVIDIA showing the 4K and DLSS3 features.

The Day Before 4K DLSS3 video

When The Day Before was announced, it quickly became one of the most wishlisted games on Steam. Since then, its release date has been delayed several times and many players have lost hope about its appearance in the gaming world. However, our expectations finally come true and the game is counting the days to meet us in the coming days.

The game, which draws attention to its similarities with The Last Of Us, is set in an open world in a deadly, post-pandemic America where those who attack you for food and those who are not affected by the virus kill each other for food, weapons and cars.

We see the technology of the game in The Day Before 4K ray tracing and DLSS3 gameplay video published by NVIDIA. You can watch the approximately 1 minute video below.

Developed by Fntastic, the production will be released on March 1, 2023 for PlayStation 5, Xbox X and S Series, Microsoft Windows.
