The date for the next major Windows 11 update has arrived

The date for the next major Windows 11 update has

Windows 11 Work continues on the operating system. Microsoft for the next big update getting ready.

According to common information from two different sources 22H2 The next major Windows 11 update, referred to as September 20 will be published for all. In the new version, of course, there will be many useful innovations. For example, with the 22H2, the new file system for the start menu will be unveiled, the much-requested drag-and-drop support for the taskbar will be introduced, new touch controls will be introduced, and some fresh animations will appear. In the new version, there will also be a live subtitle system for those who have hearing problems, so that every audio content played can be written in the language you want. New major to modernize design including new dark mode for Task Manager Windows 11 update will also improve accessibility with voice PC control tool. In addition to these, some other minor features will be sent after the version is released, which will bring other improvements.

Interestingly these days Windows 12 Information is also on the agenda. As it turned out last month Microsoft, A new version that will bring a new version every three years.into the Windows Development Cycle” is transitioning. Mark it here Windows 12 operating system 2024 It is alleged that in. In this context, it is stated that the big 2023 update that Microsoft has planned for Windows 11 will not come.


The company will keep most of the features it has prepared for this big update for W12, but still, some minor features will be sent for W11 before W12 arrives. Stating that it will not make a big change in terms of design with W12, Microsoft has given a major update every two years during the Windows 10 period, and stated that it will be a major update for Windows 11 once a year.
